Originally Posted by Vivify View Post
30k. I really will go up to 40 so if you want it to end go 41 or stop lol.

Originally Posted by Nerobe View Post
stop this alredy..... I want the head but this is starting to get overpriced.

Why do you want this head so badly?

I just like the head and I bid on it first 5 hours ago. I'm not trying to be a dick or anything but your kind of acting like I came along and started bidding when that's you. I don't want it to be this high of price but I'm willing to spend it.
Originally Posted by Vivify View Post
30k. I really will go up to 40 so if you want it to end go 41 or stop lol.

stop this alredy..... I want the head but this is starting to get overpriced.

Why do you want this head so badly?
Originally Posted by Nerobe View Post
I mean I have 120k and want the head so I will get it, But you are making me pay more and more.

Then just go 41 already or let me have it because that's what your going to have to pay.
I mean I have 120k and want the head so I will get it, But you are making me pay more and more.

could you please just cancel your offers and let me pay 10k for it.
Actually you get it, SInce I alredy have a main head texture and just wanted this one becuse it is really nice but you seem to REALLY want it.

So I would feel pretty bad over taking it from you.