I don't know, try to make it stylish, maybe extend it and then pull it back while you kick with the other leg.
Quick question. Is the running in "oh leg why you so resilient" look realistic? Is it better than the running i had in other ones?
And which one is better, the first "oh leg why you so resilient" or the one with the skeet?
Been a few days since i did a replay so i decided to go digging through my old replays and i found this split opener i had done a while back so i tried to turn it into a madman of sorts. Grade harshly. Its one of my first madmans.
Also, is it frowned upon to go into the replay notepad file and change the amount of frames so you can do more stuff or to take out the extra frames at the end? Because i have a few parkour attempts where i need more frames.
Attached Files
wip madman attempt.rpl (156.1 KB, 15 views)
Bump. Sorry about not having any new replays in a while. I haven't really seen any point in making any new ones. But I'm going to make a new one now. Or maybe if i can get some cnc on the replay i posted last, i can go in and edit it some. I'm not good but i can't get better without knowing what i did wrong.
Sorry, I haven't been online lately due to Christmas etc.
Nice replay, but I think you could have continued it, maybe DM the legs/crotch. In my replays I try to continue the replay on as much as possible until I am sure I can't do anything else.
oh yeah
I want to, i just cant work my way over to the legs in time. Maybe another skeet to the flying head?
EDIT: got the skeet. working on the pose.
Attached Files
wip madman attempt 2.rpl (209.1 KB, 16 views)
Last edited by dagreja; Dec 26, 2011 at 11:52 PM.
The skeet looks great, and the pose is not that bad already.
I like it, except for the grab DMs, I forgot to say that on the first WIP.
People don't like grab DMs because they are easier to get and look messy.
I don't have anything against grabbing, my replays are very grab-heavy, but grab DMs on the other hand...
Don't delete the replay, it's pretty good for now.
oh yeah