i loved the video, there were replays that i tought that were epic =D you gave me inspiration to make replays atm xD
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL
The replays and the song were sweet but the camera movement was a bit too twitchy compared to other video's going about at this time. I'll give it 7/10.
I refuse to go easy for a first vid :3 Tough love promotes improvement.

I'll start from highs to lows.

Replays: Most of them were epic. A lot of potential was there for filming them. However, my only grievance, which is a more recent irritant because of new videos, is the fact that there is almost ALWAYS a dance and/or sparring replay and/or headpass replay in a video. I'm getting really sick of seeing them. There's only so many times you can see a tori and uke playing catch or generic spar or a dance taking up a good portion of the video before you just want to punch someone in the face. Unless it's a clear lull in the song where the replay actually works with the damn music, then please refrain from putting one of the mentioned three in a video. I want to see videos like Mosier's and War_hero's again, where there's more boom and less boogie.

General effects: You seem to be experimenting with effects and transitions. Or you're trying too hard to make the transitions different. A simple fade in fade out every once in a while isn't bad. Sure it's generic and doesn't show much orginality, but shove too much creativity into one outlet and the end product can look like shit. Plus, a subtle transition is really useful with keeping the mood of the video alive by not bringing them back to reality that it's a video they're watching.

Camera: I'm really depressed at them. No real creativity behind them, and the filming was sped up too much for the music anyways. I couldn't see the replays unfold, and that removed a lot of their wow factor the first time I watched them. A video isn't supposed to show replays, it's supposed to sell them.

Music: Certain music just doesn't go with videos. I believe this song is one of them. Wasn't very interesting to me, seemed almost neutral throughout the whole song, which lead me to not anticipate what was coming up next. Honestly, the intro music could have probably been a better choice, despite it being overused. The ups and downs of the music build tension, which is what you want with a viewer. You want them to be on the edge of their seat wondering what's next, to some degree.

Sync: Non-existant sums it up pretty well. I blame the music for that.

Overall, for a first vid, you at least are using it to experiment (I think), unlike some people who play it safe on their first run. That will give you a +1 in my books. However, overall experience wasn't thrilling, but it wasn't tedious. I still managed to enjoy myself slightly.

nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Wow, that was actually really good.
The camera movement didn't bother me, because you kept it still and didn't jerk it all over the place. There was little beat sync, but you made the replays fit the music just fine, in mood and tempo. Replays were awesome, but textures would have been nice.
