Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Make a fantasy short story!
Alright, so here's the deal. To publicize my organization, Fabula Magnus, we're doing a crappy little event. Enjoy.


Fabula Magnus is an organization devoted to playing play-by-post RPGs and all RPGs in general. We are all about fantasy. Visit our board! http://forum.toribash.com/forumdisplay.php?f=605


Okay, you need to write us a fantasy short story. It can be any length, but it has to be good. Here are the rules:

  1. No plagiarizing. It's illegal.
  2. It must be in English.
  3. It must be fiction/fantasy.
  4. It must be readable. If your story has grade school grammar or some illegible or hard to read/put up with font, it will be disqualified.
Your deadline is April 30th. It's a long time from now, but that's on purpose. Use your time to make it a quality story.


Since we are all dirt broke, the prizes are crappy, but we do what we can:
  1. 100,000 TC. May raise as we get more donations.
  2. A "Good Enough Writer" medal, from me.
  3. A random selection of whatever valuable items I can get my hands on by April 30th.
  4. Happiness for winning something.
  5. Second/third placers might get something too.


Okay. And this time, I'll use bullet points!
  • Use at least somewhat proper English. We like it.
  • Don't purposefully make your story long or short. Make it long enough/short enough to fit the story. We don't judge the length.
  • Bonus points for basing it on our RPGs!
  • Use your time wisely!! You have one month. A good story can be made and refined in one month.
  • Bribe us. We need donations.
  • Check out our board. It's what the event is for and we'll like you for it.


Just post it here and we'll discuss it. A few days after April 30th, we'll give you the results.


Just send me the TC. I'm reliable. No, really. Also you'll be awarded with like, a thanks, or something.

Special thanks to Solax for donating some tc to the event bringing the tc prize up to 100,000 tc.
Last edited by Solax; Apr 14, 2012 at 11:54 AM.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
True Life Story

First of all this is a true story and I can in no way make this up.

So today I went out and forgot my keys so I had to wait until my mom got back from shopping (which toke about 30 min). So to pass the time I ventured down into our apartment basement and looked around. Suddenly I had the urge to shit but there was no place to go and I really didn't want to ask my neighbors to use there's. So after about 10 minutes of looking around I see a microwave and decided "why not"? So I opened it, sat down and starting doing my business. After I was done I thought "hmm what if I microwaved this"? So I looked around an found an electrical outlet, plugged it in and it worked! I decided to set it for 10 minutes. While I was microwaving it I decided to see if my mom was home, sure enough she was. So when I go back downstairs I smell this horrible odor and open up the microwave and I almost threw up. Not one of my better ideas but at least I know not to microwave shit again...
I think that belongs in the the rofl raffle, not here. :P
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
He won't get to the part it is even discussed about because it is a TRUE story, you are meant to make up a fantasy story.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Originally Posted by Gymbash View Post
@Tquaza... is that seriously you're entry?

Yes, yes it is.

Originally Posted by cozzakilll View Post
He won't get to the part it is even discussed about because it is a TRUE story, you are meant to make up a fantasy story.

I substitute your reality and replace it with my own.
This isn't non-fiction, besides, that story in no way is a good example of thematic structure, characterization, or drama that we want.
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
Need to PM a SMod?

Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
I like how you refuse to set up a roster, it makes the whole thing seem more professional.

Either way, I'll be joining in this, so don't be shocked when you see my work.