Endurance Onslaught 6.0
wait what if anything no one is going to change and it's going to turn to utter shit like roblox, not the game way, jut the aspect way, but what in the hell do you mean?
no way bro thats crazy
Originally Posted by sir View Post
KrisKrafts: no, that's not what ninjas do. In fact, there was no reason for LesDuncan to have ninja - he was just smart enough not to mess things up and stay away from using his game/forum perms. He made some good videos though, that's true.

For anyone claiming that "big guys gave up" and they can promote Toribash at least on LesDuncan's level - please contact me or hampa and show us what you can do. Email is the best way to do that ([email protected] or [email protected]).

Are you guys planning a big marketing campaign for Toribash Next when it's released?
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Are you guys planning a big marketing campaign for Toribash Next when it's released?

I think they will. Considering they did for a bit when slycooper was making trailers and such.
If you are talking about advertisement wise, I doubt it tbh.
Unless they get any submissions for promo vids etc..
It is however best said from a dev as I have no credibility.
You should pm someone like sir about it.
Thats your best bet for an answer for this question.
we just need one spicy youtuber to play the game. even once. also, I think toribash next is a necessary risk. doing nothing at this point will result in (at best) no change in the increase of the player base. toribash next could help or hinder. this is a betting game now.

also they need to update the forums, and update it WELL. this requires time and dedication and funds. don't expect toribash to get time, dedication, and funds from thin air.

tori next first. we can playtest it as the strong and enduring community we are and give it a thumbs up if it is good. or completely trash it if it sucks.

then, publicity. we want new players to come in after the big change. this way, they have nothing to compare to or reminisce about. they come in thinking it is toribash, and will continue to play toribash.

then update this freekin website. seriously. hopefully u got a good wave of new players and income to want to do something more.

i know little about staff, so im not gunna say anything about that. a new wave of staff would be nice, but you kinda need new people for that. everything else can come after . . .
Meh. I think I need to quit toribash for a bit.
Heres my disjointed and haphazard opinion to something thats been bothering me for a while.

Lack of growth is whats killing this game.

Not from development, but from the community.
We have always been a community driven game, running pretty much everything toribash related. But the community engagement hasnt evolved.
Our streamers get like 15 viewers. Our youtube vids get 50 views.
We used to get more spectators than that for our clan meet up RAWRgys.

We still use irc and the only people there are people that havent played the game in years.(Perhaps an exaggeration)
Where is the community engagement? Where are we supposed to get that engagement from?
Its 2017, not 2009.

Forum events only go so far.
Where is the media? where is the marketing?
Where are our event commentators? Our personalities and characters?
When was the last community meetup? Did anyone think to take photos? Take a video? Post to instagram? FB? whatever?
Developer commentary?
I watch vids of gamers, cosplayers etc going to pax, E3 etc to play games, to meet up, do things etc.
Will TB next be at something like that?

When the Wii version came out, a few of the forum and games biggest personalities got a chance to meet up and hang out.
When gman ran the promo team, people used to die for a chance to get their sets on the new promo item posters.
Old Torinews used to have THINGS to talk about.
Wheres the 2017 version of that?

Does Nabi not have a social media manager? someone who oversees the image of the company and its game? Who watches over what the community is doing to their game?

The closest thing Ive seen to anything official sounding is the Q&A posted by hampa in the announcement, and it wasnt even a Q&A, it was a FAQ.
Q&A suggests community interaction.

Mostly, where is the ambition that made old toribash great, that made the current most popular games great?


Toribash Next, on paper, sounds great. (I havent been following the news, but people seem scared of change)
But from an art perspective, it shares the same flaws as the current toribash.
there is a point where its just not worth it anymore.
Simply looking at how many artists have left is a testament to that.

Art is getting better and better, then people leave, because the better it gets, the more effort it requires. and theres a point where that effort is better spent elsewhere.
And that is due to the nature of the game, every character being completely customisable.
Every set takes hours, days to create, but then at the end, you sell it for a few hundred thousand TC.
250k tc is 100$ in the shop, using that as a base:
Who is going to spend 100$+ on a toribash set?
Who is going to sacrifice a weeks free time for less than 100$?

Ive been here for over 10 years, and Im no longer the same 16 year old I once was.
The time investment isnt feesable anymore. The time required to texture has gone past a simple hobby, gone past the point where Im just trying to keep up with my art stuff , fill some time or just have fun.

The decentralised economy is potentially a good step at making things feesible for the background stuff in toribash.
But no one will know untill it gets here.
The potential for that economy to be underpopulated, abused and trolled into the ground is pretty high.


Also, looking at the current state of the art board... wtf is up with that?
I used to get 10 new threads and hundreds of posts a day in the art board alone.
People used to make art, now I dont look at the board for a week and theres no new threads, no new textures, videos etc and maybe 4 new comments.
The showcase hasnt been updated in years, the galleries are dead and even the organisations are dead.
Because of no interaction. No one respected saying "good job"
Nothing to aim for. The most successful texture event Ive ever hosted, and best that I can think of off the top of my head, was the last event where the GATA texturers worked WITH the entrants.

Art was a major driving force in the community.
And its been allowed to stagnate and wither.


Anyway, like I said, disjointed.
Im no expert on anything Ive mentioned, just things that Ive felt have been lacking.
Last edited by BenDover; Nov 7, 2017 at 01:18 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
On the art board, super-aggressive moderating and restrictive rules definitely made some people leave - You'd even get infracted for asking questions about the art (i.e. "did you make the drums with a Maschine?"). With these barriers to posting, eventually people just stopped posting there and responding to the art. The enforcement of those rules has gotten less strict recently though, after public outcry, but I think the damage there might already be done.

Does Nabi not have a social media manager? someone who oversees the image of the company and its game? Who watches over what the community is doing to their game

Afaik, nobody knows who runs the instagram account when we last checked. I think a few people have access to the Facebook account (for some reason I want to say skulfuk is one (tho I might just be thinking of him cus he denied having anything to do with FB)) - There was a thread about this a year ago or so, but I can't recall exactly who ran what.

On the 'who watches over the community', you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but we actually have a 'community manager'. This community manager is Gynx, and he does shit all - It's just a position of power he's retired into after leaving admin. Getting somebody into that position who gives a shit about the community and the position would be a good move, methinks.
Last edited by Ele; Nov 8, 2017 at 08:34 AM.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
On the art board, super-aggressive moderating and restrictive rules definitely made some people leave - You'd even get infracted for asking questions about the art (i.e. "did you make the drums with a Maschine?"). With these barriers to posting, eventually people just stopped posting there and responding to the art. The enforcement of those rules has gotten less strict recently though, after public outcry, but I think the damage there might already be done.

Been following the art board (somewhat)
cant see whats going on moderation side like I used to, but it seems to be under moderated more than anything, or rather lackluster moderation.
I was a much harsher moderator than what Im seeing now, but I guess they only see their role as enforcing rules, rather than community leadership.

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Afaik, nobody knows who runs the instagram account when we last checked. I think a few people have access to the Facebook account (for some reason I want to say skulfuk is one (tho I might just be thinking of him cus he denied having anything to do with FB)) - There was a thread about this a year ago or so, but I can't recall exactly who ran what.

On the 'who watches over the community', you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but we actually have a 'community manager'. This community manager is Gynx, and he does shit all - It's just a position of power he's retired into after leaving admin. Getting somebody into that position who gives a shit about the community and the position would be a good move, methinks.

The community needs leadership first and foremost, I agree.
Current lack of enthusiasm has had a marked effect.
Doubly important with TB Next on the horizon.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
The community needs leadership first and foremost, I agree.
Current lack of enthusiasm has had a marked effect.
Doubly important with TB Next on the horizon.

The sad thing is that there are people with enthusiasm. Just they are not the ones being recruited.
There are people who would sit on forums for the whole day refreshing and helping.
Yet they are not the ones being recruited for staff positions.
Overall I feel like instead of helping the community staff is a lot of the time just reading people rules.
Then they bounce off the thread.
Its like you did this wrong bye....
I feel like this is a very unpopular opinion but it is an opinion non the less.