Original Post
[ORMO - Weekly Events] RelaxNone
Your Objective
As the title suggests, your objective this week is to make a replay where you don't relax any joints. The only relaxing that is acceptable is your relaxall at the beginning of your replay. After you have either put force or hold on a joint, you may not return it to relax.

You must complete the objective.
Replays must be between 500-1000 frames long
You must dismember uke at least once
You may only submit 1 replay, which can be replaced before the deadline.
No mods besides classic
No changing of game rules except gravity, tf, mf, self damage, and ed
You may only use -9.82 or -30 gravity
You may only move your tori
Must be a new replay
No stealing, hacking, etc.

Judging will be based primarily on style. Your judge will be:


1st place: 10,000 TC
2nd place: 8,000 TC
3rd place: 5,000 TC

All replays will be due in 1 week, or Saturday morning, 0:00 GMT

If you do not understand anything, please post saying so. Also, if you have any cool ideas you would like to see in these events, feel free to PM me.
Good luck!
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
im trying, btw if its only for ORMO member feel free to delete it. Attempt 1: decap
Attached Files
#Yaz - challenges.rpl (32.9 KB, 15 views)
I will be my undoing if i become my obsession
I quit.
Here is my replay.
Attached Files
My relaxnone replay.rpl (57.8 KB, 17 views)
ICOF forever! FUCK YEA EGGY AND ME GONNA FUCK YO SHIT UP! We shall never backdown! You cant handle us when we fight! We are the Irish Gods! Fear us!
TamaKuu: relaxed left wrist on frame 410
TheDafa13: relaxed uke's chest on frame 401
Everyone else is valid
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
I will give this a try.

Seems tough though.

I haven't made a replay with out relaxing before.