eww, JV, you sick bastard... although you do have a point there

@eycoco: so did I, that's why I named the replay after it :P. what's wrong with my poses (assuming that's what you mean by positions)? is it exactly what joonveen up there thinks is the good thing?

anyways, more replayzz!

this time I won't be as precise with my explanations. I'll leave it to you. I might express the opinions left out here in the posts after your comments, though. that is, if you don't express the same ones first

Springkick: I'm leaving the best to the end here, so this is the filler. I was experimenting with an asymmetric way to get my legs off, and phailed miserably, but ended up with this cool chargekick. unfortunately it only took off the arm. as you can see, the archiving number is not 1 for one hit wonders and artistics, because it isn't good enough. instead it's 9 for random shiiz.
Noleggy madman 3: I did't succeed in the above at all yet, but I did figure out an alternate way from the other no legs madman. this one has a bit too many grab switches than I would have wanted, and I had to notepad hack another 100 frames into it to complete it, but OH boy was it worth it
Splitpunch 6: yet another splitpunch, but they never seem to make me bored. This is my first frontal (slightly) hooked splitpunch. In the making of this one, I made a cool no-DM combo, that I dreamt of making into a madman. unfortunately the successful dismembering of the abs changed the angle of the remaining torso too much for that one...
Splitpunch 6 madman edit: ...but that one didn't stop me from making an alternate madman edit. do watch the original, first, though, at least for the different pose (although depending on your answer, eycoco, this might not be advisable for you). this replay has at least four things that I absolutely LOVE. I'm not telling them, but instead I want to see if my regular commentators agree.

EDIT: weird, two views on all of the newest replays but no comments?
Attached Files
9 springkick.rpl (115.9 KB, 17 views)
2 noleggy madman 3.rpl (438.9 KB, 18 views)
1 splitpunch 6.rpl (111.4 KB, 12 views)
2 splitpunch 6 madman edit.rpl (221.7 KB, 14 views)
Last edited by Archlurps; Aug 9, 2008 at 11:20 PM. Reason: "furry", eh?
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Springkick: Very nice chargekick. I'll like to see more of these 4.97/5
Noleggy madman 3: A very good madman. I can't see myself doing anything like that 4.90/5
Splitpunch 6: Seeing that you have a thing for splitpunches, there is no wonder you excel at making this. Very realistic. 5/5
Splitpunch madman edit: Whats not better than a splitpunch? One with a madman involved. Very fast and furious. 5/5

I've also seen your other replays, and I and can truely say that you have a potential for making replays that astound me. Keep up the good work!
"I have not told half of what I saw." ~ Marco Polo
thanks, man. I didn't like the chargekick because it only took off the arm. I woulda liked it way more if it, like, shatterhit the chest or something.

still waiting for joonveen to comment before revealing what I liked about the replays

Oh, and btw, I was serious about running out of ideas. If you have a (possible) Idea for a replay that you wouldn't mind me using, bring it on.
Last edited by Archlurps; Aug 9, 2008 at 11:48 PM.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Whoa! Yosaku is here! =3
still waiting for joonveen to comment before revealing what I liked about the replays

Mmm. You make me feel so important =3 I feel the warmth of loveee around meh~

...wait, it's the heating vent. :P

Springkick: LOLOL! It was so funny when you struggled with your leg XD I'm sure it would be nicer. Sometimes, it requires a bit of luck and editing (like the status of my combo2 replay right now) It reminds me of my contortionist replays, which i posted but then deleted from my folder. Search them if you want XP *pause: hey look you're online now! I'll edit this later :P*

no-leggy madman3: Whoa, that's a pretty amazing feat for a guy who's lower body is gone; lifting Uke up into the air, breakin his limbs off and..

splitpunch 6:Mmm. Uber smashxy pinpoint splitpunch with uber smexy pose at the end. Short and sweet.

splitpunch 6 edit: Omgz, it's one of Archlurps favourite replays! *tense*
1. the spinning leg.
2. you hit his head in mid-air.
3. smexy pose at the end.
4. after beating up his upper body, you went back and beat up his lower body too X3
Last edited by joonveen; Aug 10, 2008 at 04:41 PM.
get to tkd fast if u wanna catch me there. I'm itching for your comment but who cares, more fun that way lol.

@Yosaku: come on, ain't I getting any more out of you? some confirmation that you watched them? sorry for advertising them to you, but you commented my older threads back before my break, so I thought you might wanna know about this one, too.

EDIT: you got all four right, but I'd forgotten about one when I wrote the number. the fifth one is the awesome shatter-/clutterhit (1 lone DM and a shatterhit of 3, making it a clutterhit of 4) with the chest. shaqadely tuned to it's maximum. it's like the rest of uke was thrown into a wood chipper *squirt!*

anyways, yet more replays

slamkick madman: I tried to make my first kick in ages, and tried to start off easy: using a prep meant for a punch. you don't need to be sherlock holmes to get what that makes for: a half-bred punch that misses the best targets, but looks cool because of the longer distance. I couldn't use it as itself, so I just had to make a madman out of it. the name comes from the two kicks right after the punch that hit with the side of the foot, instead of the back or front.
Grabless madman: just what the title says. I'm still surprised I could pull it off. It's almost minimal DM's, but heck, it's my first nograb madman, so I don't care. also it features a non-dismembering kick, but because it's so feeble that all it was usable for was leverage, I don't think it counts
Attached Files
2 slamkick madman.rpl (175.5 KB, 13 views)
2 Grabless madman.rpl (267.3 KB, 15 views)
Last edited by Archlurps; Aug 10, 2008 at 05:02 PM. Reason: back at JV & replays
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
why did you leave, btw?

anyways, I edited the previous post with moar replays
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Wow...I was amazed at the Matrix at the temple one, you don't see those replays everyday...10/10 for all
It makes me wonder..