when they grow up they will ask themselves: but how could I be so stupid when I was little?
2010simoDK, the legend is back
Italians do it better
Originally Posted by 2010simoDK View Post
when they grow up they will ask themselves: but how could I be so stupid when I was little?

Probably due to the fact they'll either be in jail or dead by that stage.
Hopefully the latter.
Those kids got tons of death threats though. Serves them right. But not good enough.
And I find it awful that only one dad of the children made an apology. The children should make these. On camera, for the whole world to witness.
Originally Posted by Dilara View Post
Those kids got tons of death threats though.

If you were to hit them or send them a death threat, wouldn't that make you as bad as them?

It's simple, don't stoop to their level. When they get older and realize what they've done, they'll regret the moment for the rest of their lives which is just about the worst possible feeling in the world. I should know.
Originally Posted by MintCat View Post
If you were to hit them or send them a death threat, wouldn't that make you as bad as them?

Who cares, if I saw them on the street i'd fucking hit them anyway.
Originally Posted by WickedHayo View Post
Who cares, if I saw them on the street i'd fucking hit them anyway.

Well, then you'd become what you hate. Trust me, they're not worth it.
Originally Posted by WickedHayo View Post
Probably due to the fact they'll either be in jail or dead by that stage.
Hopefully the latter.

I do get what you're going for, but that's just cruel.
The only thing that should be taken is that they have a similiar experience, or for their parents to take action in disciplining them.
Anyhow, I always wondered how their brain functioned, what causes them to do such horrid things.Guess we'll never know.
Anywayz, these children need to be punished severly. As wickedhayo previously stated, such manners could evolve into commiting crime, such as murder[hopefully not].Their "compation" basicly doesn't exist, they can't even imagine how that feels.i think some of the rage gathered up while I was watching this video. Anyhow, I went to youtube and found out that the poor woman got 206.000 $ for the mental torment, but that's the only good thing.
Adults lost their autorithy because of letting children getting away with stuff making them think that their actions can go unpunished.
Wow...just wow.

First of all, lemme just tackle the fact that the children are fucked up, screw brained dick biscuits. I'm sorry for the language, but that is what I feel they are. They show absolutely no respect and treat the elderly woman wrongly. The thing is, that the woman hasn't done anything to them. They began tormenting her for no reason, made her cry. And for that, they deserve a high five. To the face. With a frying pan.

Second of all, most people on this thread are blaming 'kids these days'. Well, I have news for you. Most 'kids these days' aren't as disrespectful as the ones you see in this video. Just because 1/1000 kids are fuckwits, doesn't mean they all are. I'm around their age myself, and I am disappointed. These are the type of kids that give 'kids these days' such a bad reputation. Adults think that just cause some of them are fuckwits, it means they all are. And those who think so again deserve a high five. To the face. With a pie.
Bullying has come under a lot of scrutiny in America. In many cases it's criminal. I was bullied a lot in school. It's terrible. I am glad to see my country realize that it is not 'harmless fun'. As the age of prosecution lowers in America I expect to see more 'odd' targets like this. it's really helpful to see who is going to grow up to be a criminal.