Originally Posted by shamshank View Post
Here's my first try:

Originally Posted by Chris View Post

Chris, I know you can do crazy shit with art ;o Keep going with this
Originally Posted by Blancester View Post

You just ran these through filters. Dipshit. Get out.
Originally Posted by OmgWtfMik3 View Post

Here. Sorry for so many WIPs but I'm new to GFX and I don't want to go overboard with it.

I do like WIP's ;o
This is good, I'm going to wait for other people to finish though. You're in first place right now.d
On this
I bought a subscription to Wibbles so I think this quote is necessary,
"Be careful when gazing into the void, for it gazes back"
umm no i didnt...i just gave u three different types to choose from but the original wasnt just filters faggot

User infracted. Useless post.
Last edited by Fivah; Jun 11, 2011 at 03:51 PM.
Cannon Penis
Originally Posted by Deadmau View Post

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Eh, it's too straight up filter-y. There isn't really any editing.

Originally Posted by Blancester View Post
umm no i didnt...i just gave u three different types to choose from but the original wasnt just filters faggot

Yeah they were just filters. I don't care if there are three options, they all suck. You took 2 minutes to finish them. Don't post here again.
Originally Posted by OmgWtfMik3 View Post
good to hear, would you like me to add anything to mine or leave it as it is?

Leave it as it is, in a few days I'll tell you the outcome.