I have the clan shop taken care of now. I'm workin on getting items added to it and the shop name changed. I will pm you the details of the clan bank account.
anyone else make textures? Be cool to have a texture shop. 50-50. 50% of the earnings go to the clan, 50% go to the artist.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
I make textures too. When I have time, I can make awesome textures. Pm me with some details tompaine and we can get together and open a shop for textures. I had a shop but had to close because I didn't have time to run it but with your help we can re-open it.
I Honestly dont believe we will have any problems with Alpha,Me and The leader of alpha Odlov Go way back Ill speak to him About adding us to his allies list.
Okay thanks zap. I already talked with Novitech & Warcry and we agreed Sigma & Omega would be allies. I'll update the list when you get back to me about Alpha.
ermmm tip i wouldnt of sent your tc strate away id get the clan in a good stable position but to late now
I think [o] Is already taken. It was a while back someone made an [o] clan, and they were told to change their tag, a clan looong ago had it.