Ive learned to run a few days ago...
It's isnt so necessary, but its very nice to see and good to do...
I do one like schmicer said but I still cant complete it...
If someone could help plz Id be gratefull
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RUNNING AND KNEE.rpl (51.8 KB, 35 views)
DUNIRULES2 - TORIBASH :D PLEASE Go MYBRUTE and pupil duni666/duni6666
Well, you are running. What else do you want?
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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I wanted to decap, split or smthg like that...
would be gratefull if you can help me
DUNIRULES2 - TORIBASH :D PLEASE Go MYBRUTE and pupil duni666/duni6666

warning only do this if you can click fast

set mod runningf.tbm add a buncha turn frames. first turn. contract wrists elbows pecs abs and hips. space x2. extend hips relax knees. space x2. contract left hip(or right but then u gota reverse the rest of this tut). space x2. extend left hip contract right hip. spacex3. extend right hip. space x1 contract left hip. space x3. then just keep switching your hips between extend and contract and then your running. this is the first run i ever did. i never watched tutorials or anything. enjoi

NOTE. for this run switch them on the same turn every time except on like the 2nd or 3rd step when i told you not to in the tutorial. if this note is confusing to you then just ignore it. lol