Endurance Onslaught 6.0
A pinch harmonic is always going to squeal. You're never really going to get a "low" pinch harmonic, it's just the nature of how the string vibrates when you do that to it.
Well, yeah, They squeal, but they are a lot deeper than most which makes them deep when it comes to artificial harmonics. Kerry Kings sucks compared to Jeff Hennaman. I don't see how anyone could pick Kerry over Jeff after all Jeff had the best solos and Riffs like on Necrophiliac or War Ensemble. Doesn't matter I guess. John Connelly from Nuclear Assault.
Abbath and Demonaz Doom Occulta from Immortal. They seemed to keep their black metal sound alive. They are so unique when it comes to black metal it's ridiculous, but only well trained ears can here what they are playing on the album Battles In The North.
Originally Posted by H4rl3quin View Post
A pinch harmonic is always going to squeal. You're never really going to get a "low" pinch harmonic, it's just the nature of how the string vibrates when you do that to it.

You're wrong. The reason why "harmonic" is in the name is because it has more than one note. It has the harmonies of the root note you are playing. so to get a lower harmonic, you don't put as much pressure on the pinch after the initial strike. It's harder to make it squeal than it is to do a lower-tone pinch harmonic because you have to practically stop the string with your pick for it to do that.

active dual humbucker pickups will help too. I prefer EMG.
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Originally Posted by Frost-Dragon View Post
Kerry King.

Ah Kerry King from Slayer, correct?

That guy's fucking awesome. Him and his beard and such
Originally Posted by Gov_Cheese View Post
You're wrong. The reason why "harmonic" is in the name is because it has more than one note. It has the harmonies of the root note you are playing. so to get a lower harmonic, you don't put as much pressure on the pinch after the initial strike. It's harder to make it squeal than it is to do a lower-tone pinch harmonic because you have to practically stop the string with your pick for it to do that.

active dual humbucker pickups will help too. I prefer EMG.

respectfully, no. A natural harmonic works by "splitting" the vibrations of the string, which is what you seem to be talking about. Say you play a harmonic at the 12th fret on say, the d string, the result will be two separate d's being played on both halves of the string, at a higher pitch,due to the shortened area of string that each "d" is vibrating on.

An artificial harmonic will always be squealy and abrasive if you do it right- in fact, that's the point of the technique. Why? say you fret another d, this time at the 7th fret of the g string, pluck the string, and then create the pinch harmonic over, say the middle pickup - you're just cut that note up into a shitload more pieces than you could manage to anywhere on the fretboard - the result, with a bit of filth on the channel, is going to be one squealy creation regardless of how loudly you play it. If it isn't, then you havent created a "clean" artificial harmonic.

Of course, you can get softer harmonics on the fretboard with more "classical" techniques, which can be softer and lower in pitch. But we're not talking natural harmonics, lol.

As for checking the string with your pick - i assume you're doing these off the pick and not the flesh, yes ?

edit: the real point, other than the tl;dr above, is that pinch harmonics have a time and a place to be used in music. If you want a low harmonic, natural harmonics are probably easier and better suited to the music.
Last edited by H4rl3quin; Jul 29, 2009 at 03:25 AM.
Pinch the first fret then bend a step then slowly release. It may take practice, but it's a very heavy artificial harmonic. Also I don't think anyone is taking about natural harmonics because that is a completely different technique used with the fretting fingers.

Also Qourthon from Bathory the one man band.
It won't record well at all because my shitty mic can barely pick up distortion at any level. Too low I don't like it Too high the mic doesn't like it in the middle it still sucks, but I'll try. I'll try yo explaine again. Ok now put your picking hand where the 24th fret should be or is now pinch where the 24rth fret should be or is then bend the first fret HALF a step (Made a mistake last time.) then slowly release the bend into a slow vibrato. It should still have a squeal, but it should have that weezing sound.
Last edited by T0ribush; Jul 29, 2009 at 04:05 AM.