Endurance Onslaught 6.0
i would like supernova gradients,elf relax,demon force,azurite trails,void dq,pure torso, and void ghost please
Primary Gradient: Demon
Secondary Gradient: Demon
Relax: Void
Force: Demon
The Color in replays(for joints): Demon
Blood color:Void
DQ: Anything u want ,
Trail colors
>L. arm :Supernova
R. leg :Supernova
L. leg :Supernova
please dont double post and boob lol boob i mean bob, any items except like orc chronos and gladiator. i already have those
Clanless? Join The Chosen Ones User was supported by SAN STUDIOS!
anything is okay. thank you very much!!!!! im like really poor. and i wuz thinking about selling these cuz noones donating lol
Clanless? Join The Chosen Ones User was supported by SAN STUDIOS!
lol thanks! but in game it looks kinda weird. can i trade it in? lol i look liek a tomato now cuz i have orc stuff lol
Clanless? Join The Chosen Ones User was supported by SAN STUDIOS!