Originally Posted by fargle View Post
yes it is. although add something

i bid 8k


i wont be able to send u the tc until my real account is unbanned. ok? i never scam and i wont

i will buy it but can u remove the blue and add black> on the head

That first one is mine.

Sup foo'.

I herd yo like stealing mah texture.
The green demon one? Yeah, i made that and still wear it.

Why is this in discussion anyway?
Also, reported

What the.....I swear I never posted this....have I been hacked?

i wub u lSl :D
[vibe] [ORMO] [GATA]

Yes , fargle , thats what i told you by msn.
Last edited by gabiel; Oct 23, 2009 at 03:18 PM. Reason: Correction of my english mistake.
Originally Posted by fargle View Post
What the.....I swear I never posted this....have I been hacked?

it says: last edited by blam? but blam is a moderator y would he do that?
ok, set sold to yemerej,send over 20k and ill jump on my main computer and send you a link

hehe, this thread has turned from an auction to a discussion =P
texturer - itry