
4 Enemies in two days and no allies after about 5-6 requests.

You need to work on your persuasive-ness.

Getting more and more enemies isn't going to make people want to ally with you, yet you ask them and get more enemies. It's an endless cycle. I suggest you make a different endless cycle ;)
Well, just saying, coping and pasting the same excact message on all of the DSC's on the front page won't get you allies. People will find out that you do that. Also, there isn't alot of blackbelts leaders and above who play Twinswords and will accept you as allies. Also, it isn't right to put people down as enemies just becasue they diden't accept your offer. Reconsider your actions and think alittle better.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Hey GodofTwinsword we met up someplace in SemiPro you were wondering if I wanted to join blah blah blah I said yes etc etc I don't knwo if I got 10k more points then you but I'd be glad if you want a rematch.
MrAce's Card Shop, We have what you want!
yo ill come on teach you some stuff, I wonder if those other stuck up clans will keep invading our thread without saying /invade?
Excalibur king