Originally Posted by skura View Post
I have done it, but it take me all day, becouse it was hard, so please 2,5k, i've made HQ

okey ?

Noxid !!!
Last edited by skura; Oct 18, 2009 at 01:32 PM.
I'll make:
Only crockwtf send me tc
Skura:You will make SunnyEarth
And skura do you have tc from somebody from my list?
2.5k, no prob =D
i knew it was gunna be hard lmao thts kinda y i asked u to do it lol
Sending now =D

and sorry i didnt see tht u guys responded to me lol my bad

Are you gunna post it here or send it to me
Last edited by Noxid; Oct 18, 2009 at 03:34 PM. Reason: sryquestion
Visit Alphasonik's texture city for all texture needs city
skura is inactive now ...
I think he will post it here...
Sorry for troubles ...
I downloading service pack and I cant do anything now...
Important info:
Now everybody must sending tc for head to molikskurabank not to me or skura...
And if when you sending it type your name in info...
Peoples who send tc to me or skura:
Dont do anything.your tc are in bank...
Just wait...
Sorry for troubles
Your head:

Is this ok?

59fifty and Sunny Earth ...Please send tc...
Last edited by molik14; Oct 18, 2009 at 08:54 PM.
ehm... i expected something like Noxsid's images....

but thanx anyway...
This account belongs to its official owner at this moment. all the things that previous owner has done before have no relations with the current one. ~Apparat