primary color: Acid
secondary color: Amber
tertiary color(3rd color choice(not used so much):Vampire
head style:Emo
extra stuff:i like the hair to be blonde, with an Amber hat, no earphones plz
Background color: like real skin
primary color:Supernova
secondary color:Gold
tertiary color(3rd color choice(not used so much):none
head style:A Person (Emo is fine)
extra stuff:Make it fire based (some tribal designs if u want)
Background color:Gold
thx alot ;3 (take your time)
Last edited by RafaThePro; Oct 24, 2009 at 09:43 AM.
Proud Member Of Prototype. Doing my best to make it the...Wait it already is. :]
i want one for my friend . okay here is his item
primary color: gladiator
secondary color: orc
tertiary color(3rd color choice(not used so much):Acid
head style:Emo (headphone)
extra stuff:make a good hair
Background color: skin colour
primary color: Acid
secondary color: toxic
tertiary color(3rd color choice(not used so much):Void
head style:Robot
extra stuff:Earphones if possible
Background color: white
Originally Posted by iHateHackerz View Post
tertiary color:What's this

Teriary is like, the third, example: primary school is well, primary, high school is secondary school and college/university is tertiary.

Pronounced ter-sha-ry
primary color:blue
secondary color:red
tertiary color(3rd color choice(not used so much):
head style:Emo
extra stuff:Earphones
Background color:skin colour
primary color: Vampire
secondary color: Radioactive
tertiary color(3rd color choice(not used so much):
head style: Half robotic, Half emo/anime
extra stuff: emo/anime hair is black, no headphones, Robotic side has half a visor(radioactive color)
Background color: skin color for anime/emo side; Black for robotic side