cpu load to mutch
^^ that can have serios prob

u can fomat ur pc but u have to instaal evrything agean i fomact my tc olmost evry year to get all of that unwanted shit off

press alt+cnrl+del click progress amd screeny and send it plz maybe we sport the cpu eater like skul said
u c here new task stands just in the left ther is a blank space dubbel click on the blank space to fix it and post the progress page plz thx
holy fuck tc is a cpu eater i will find out y
my cpu with tb is 6-7% load
without 0-1%
i will c if i can find out y tb is eting ur cpu
did u try an older tb?

edit what ur gta fps?
Last edited by war321; Dec 3, 2009 at 01:54 PM.
I wouldn't go as far as a full nuke... Well I probably would! But it's not necessary, you could just give it a cleanup.

Run 'MSCONFIG' & clean up the startup section so it's only got things that you need starting, that'll free up your computer & speed up it's boot time.

Give it a quick malware/spyware check to make sure none of that's getting in the way & ensure your drivers are up to date.

It still confuses me how slow it's running for you, I can get the same fps on a p3 700 & that's a shockingly slow cpu.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
ill try reinstalling too. thank u all for helping
where can i check for driver updates?

PS:disabled some things at msconfig ->startup and toribash is running with 14 fps now or a bit under.gameplay is now a bit faster playable
ill inform how it works if ill have enough money to buy graphic card.

thank u again
Last edited by Rooyall; Dec 3, 2009 at 02:39 PM.