Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[Ö_Ö]Your Weekly Drawing Competition week 10 - X-mas tree decorations

It's time for the weekly drawing series. Proudly brought to you by Ezeth, together with the rest of GATA. This is the weekly drawing competition number 10.

This is the last weekly drawing competition, so its is going to be special, extra prices and it will last for 2 weeks.

This week: Tree decorations

We want you to create something you can put on the tree for christmas, this time the entries must be 500x500 with transparent background. Do not draw anything else than the decoration itself.

  • This is to be completely hand-drawn(Not a photoshopped image) [This does not mean you may not draw it in PS/GIMP]
  • No stealing other contestant's work.
  • Max 3 Entries per person.
  • You may use a reference picture, but it must be posted along with your entry.
  • 500x500 pixel entries.
  • Entries must be made for this event.
  • If you decide to hand-draw yours and scan it in, you must sign your work with your username.
At the end of this competition I will make a tree with all your artwork on it and preview it in the general art board for everyone to see. Good luck and remember the size requirements.

Extra prices this time
We're giving 50,000 TC to the 1st place entry holder.
We're giving 30,000 TC to the 2nd place entry holder.
We're giving 10,000 TC to the 3rd place entry holder.

Last weeks results:

1. chow11 His entry

2. blackbird His entry

3. kungfujc
His entry
I'll work on an entry. A question though, are vector based images allowed for these compitions? As in, created via Adobe Illustrator.
Hazelbud, with paper drawn pictures with added transparency you will need to have a signature on the non-transparent parts.

Vector based images are allowed, but if you use a reference picture please post it along with your entry. Please clear up which picture the reference picture is.
Originally Posted by Teurastaja View Post
If you look closely you can see istockphoto logo in there. So I'm guessing he didn't draw that.

I also see it, starting at the top of the red orb and going into the center of the green one, right?
I am neither Oyster nor lsl.
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
Hazelbud, with paper drawn pictures with added transparency you will need to have a signature on the non-transparent parts.

Vector based images are allowed, but if you use a reference picture please post it along with your entry. Please clear up which picture the reference picture is.

my original post is my contribution, this is my paper original from the phone i can scan it if i must:

i do got the "making of" saved for another project tho, posting it to:

[WAPOW] "uhhh......no, Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
Ooo the original paper scan is really nice hazelbud.

Gotten into pixelart alot recently. which explains why I hang santa's elves on my tree.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
this is mine, i hope you consider my knwoledge in art.
Althogh im a new guy consider me like any other please, here is my entry: