Original Post
[FnD]Fargle and Dez Tourneys!

(credits to Dez for the logo)

Fargle and Dez have started hosting tourneys as of early December 2009.
From now, they will continue to host tourneys regularly until further notice.


The hosts will consist of Fargle, Dez or both.
Other hosts may apply to co-host some of our tourneys, only trusted players will be accepted (application form down further).


The prizes may vary from 10k/5k to 6k/3k, depending on how the host is feeling.
Donation will boost the prize rate depending on the amount of tc received.
Boosters also double prizes.

Can be and time at any day, may be more than one tourney in a day.
There will be an announcement if the host(s) cannot host on a certain day/time.

The mod will be decided by the host depending on how they're feeling.
They will choose from these mods: Wushufixed, Kickbox, Aikido and Judo. Suggestions are sometimes taken in from participants if requested from the host(s).
Donators may also pick the mod if desired.

Server will be named "FnDTourney", the desc will indicate the status of the tourney.
For example, "Tourney Soon!" indicates that the host(s) are setting up the server and/or other things.
"TOURNEY STARTED" indicates the tourney has started and you cannot participate unless already in the server at the time. If you ping you may whisper the host(s) to regain your position.
"Tourney Over" indicates that the tourney has finished and the host(s) may have left. The server is always open for players after it has finished.

The rules will be the general no spamming, flaming, selling, linking, backseat modding or clan talk.
Rules may change if the host(s) announces so.
Any player breaking a rule will be muted for 10 seconds.
Players will be given two chances, after the second mute the player will be kicked from the server if he breaks another rule.
If the player repeditively comes back in while breaking rules will have their IP address banned from the server.


If you want to send us donation please send it to Fargle or Dez.
All donations are accepted.
Donations received:

Winners list!:

With GMT +10...
(updated after every tourney)

December 7th-11:55 am 

December 8th-01:41 pm

December 9th-01:15 pm 

December 10th-08:26 am 

December 10th-12:26 am 

December 11th-01:40 pm

December 11th-06:07 pm

December 12th-10-20 am

December 12th-07-27 am

December 12th-09:47 pm

December 13th-04:42 am

December 14th-12:09 am

December 14th-01:33 pm

December 16th-04:28 pm


Application form to co-host:

-Why you want to host:
-What times are you available:
-Hosting experience:
-How can we benefit from you co-hosting:

The process can take up to a week, we check through your post history and anything that is of importance to us.
We will get back to all aplicants as soon as possible.

What is expected of co-hosters:

It is expected of co-hosters to:
-Follow the rules and and apply them where necessary.
-Send the correct prizes to the correct players.
-Follow the orders of Fargle and Dez.
-Record results, times and date from each tourney and pm them to Fargle and/or Dez.


Fargle or Dez.

Thanks in advance.


Last edited by Fargle; Dec 21, 2009 at 06:52 AM.

i wub u lSl :D
[vibe] [ORMO] [GATA]

Happy I could help.
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
good tourneys but one thing can be changed plz, dont have 32 people tourneys, they last over an hour and people get bored, it makes it not even worth the prize moneyz
The reason I don't set max clients is because I ping so frequently that if I try ad get back in I can't because the server is full.
Prizes are prizes, if you don't think it's worth it don't play, but our tourney are pretty mc always 10/5k.

i wub u lSl :D
[vibe] [ORMO] [GATA]

Originally Posted by ID12345 View Post
-User name:ID12345
-Why you want to host: To help out on those tourneys since I dont see any tourneys active nowa days
-What times are you available: Depends on the day more likely 5hours on school
when saturday and sunday 1-8 hours straight
-Hosting experience:none yet
-How can we benefit from you co-hosting: watch the tourney when you two are afk
or something i can that will help besides giving the tc


Originally Posted by noomy View Post
Username: Noomy
Why you want to host: hangout with dez, fargle, and enjoy time doing it.
What times are you available: Nearly all day weekends and 3:30PM - 8:00PM on weekdays, except for Thursdays (Basketball)
Hosting experience: None
Benefit: Sexual favours ;O (No but srsly, i can just do anything you want me to do really.)

Originally Posted by OfUnknown View Post
-User name: OfUnknown You can read on the left side.
-Why you want to host: I want to have an opportunity to contribute positively towards the community, and this is a good chance for me to do so. Also Fargle told me to. -_-
-What times are you available: GMT +8:00, More time on the weekends, Fargle will inform me if I'm on, in which is most probably.
-Hosting experience: None.
-How can we benefit from you co-hosting: I guess I could arrive at most tourneys in time, as long as I'm not superbly busy in real life. Your money will not be stolen from me anymoar! O:


i wub u lSl :D
[vibe] [ORMO] [GATA]

Are you going to be hosting any more tourneys? Otherwise it seems as if I just wasted 60k.
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.