Original Post
Opener Challenge 5


Got opener, what do?!

I have a simple but very ambiguous opener, and it's your job to design the replay from there.

You must use the exact opener (attatched) up until frame 433, and do whatever you like from this point onward.

Post your one replay in this thread, and after one week I shall judge the replays. The winners will be the ones which make best use out of the opener.

This week, the opener has been created by Archlurps!

The prizes for first and second place are 6k/4k.

You have one week, the final date for submissions is Sunday 27th December.
Attached Files
Opener Challenge 5.rpl (37.8 KB, 141 views)
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
My computer has packed up so I can only post on my iPod. I'll leave this up until I get it fixed. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Um you have problems with your computer huh?
So this replay will be accepted even if it's somewhat late?

Uh I just noticed I have no chance to win lol. Back to aikido I guess...
Attached Files
#1002.rpl (156.4 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by Dodekus; Dec 29, 2009 at 06:44 PM.
Because this challenge will go on for a number of weeks, I'm tripling the prizes for first and second place. That's right, 18k for first place and 12k for second. It's time to really polish your entries to a glimmering shine!
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
OSHI im posting mine now


wait no!! edit : The second one marco
Attached Files
opener challenge dat 5 2.rpl (59.6 KB, 8 views)
zinx - opener challenge 6.rpl (166.2 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Zinx; Jan 1, 2010 at 12:22 PM.