Originally Posted by LordHunter View Post
Style of head: Robotic
Colors: radioactive color glasses
Accessories: Glasses
Extra: i want it shiny
Price range: 500-700 tcs

Plz finish up today

Edit: Here's the head with changes.

Aqua Marine Trail and 70tc received! Texture sent. Thank you :]
Last edited by caelquinn; Dec 31, 2009 at 12:04 PM.
i want to keep that grey trails and the black color i want it in transparency

User infracted: Unnecessary double post.

and i want instead of black color, transparency color
Last edited by LordHunter; Dec 30, 2009 at 08:16 PM.

I repeat!

Buy one get one free on next purchase! (Cheapest item free, includes requests)


Also, a bunch new heads coming soon.
Last edited by caelquinn; Jan 2, 2010 at 03:18 PM.

I now need a lot of tc, so I will be making a lot more items!

I will also be getting rid of anything that I dont think is any good.

So if you like something, get it quick just in case I dont have the same taste! :P

Edit:Flame Demon Set SOLD!
Last edited by caelquinn; Jan 3, 2010 at 02:52 AM.

Edit: Tc received, head sent! Thanks! :3

Edit: Negow, you still havent claimed your 'free' thing! This can be anything to the value of 1.5k and below, including requests :3

Edit: Negow has not responded regarding his 'free' thing, so he has forfeited his right to it. Offer still stands for the next customer :]
Last edited by caelquinn; Jan 5, 2010 at 04:26 AM.

Couple of new heads up, and Buy two, get cheapest free offer is still on for next customer :3

Facufacu: What? xD
Last edited by caelquinn; Jan 5, 2010 at 11:00 PM.