END DATE IS 1/02/2010

But i will shorten it to 25/01/2010 so in 10 days

Sorry Alphonse but if he goes to the 50K and the rest.... he will be leading. if not you will be leading.
My friend> I like porn
MY friend> EEEh.. i mean Korn
the total on what im giving you is over 200k and I dislike this tiny 10k overbid :/ which really isnt more so I doubt I will be going more. Ill just make a request.
<Insert Cucumer here>
well... you are getting the last part wrong... like alphonse bids 55K as i said i prefer TCS but as you are offering 50K ( I guess ) + the rest... the min amount that they will need to un lead you would be 120+K like u said u are giving more than 200K... so if you are willing to bid 50K + the rest you will be leading until someone bids 120K or more... if you decide to open a request i can't put my set on it once i'm selling it.

heres is the exlpanation: on my last reply i said that if you keep with the 20K and the other stuff i would go with Alphonse once i still prefer tcs than items.

2К point: If you go to 50K and he other stuff min amount would increase to 120K
3К point: If you would make an increase of 20-50 ( not including 50 ) min amount would be 70-100K

"Live or Die..., Make your Choice" :P

PS: once i dont even know how the flame looks like i dont know on what im going into so thats one of the reasons too....
Last edited by Cyborgzx; Jan 15, 2010 at 06:15 PM.
My friend> I like porn
MY friend> EEEh.. i mean Korn
im closing this.... any mod could do that pls?

if anyone still wants the set pm me.
My friend> I like porn
MY friend> EEEh.. i mean Korn
Originally Posted by Cyborgzx View Post
if anyone still wants the set pm me.

yeah i quoted myself... if you still want it just pm me with details about money.
My friend> I like porn
MY friend> EEEh.. i mean Korn