Endurance Onslaught 6.0
deady, I only suggested a virgin, as I personally would have been more comfortable losing my virginity to someone in the same situation as me. I wouldn't hold the number of sexual partners a girl has had against her, just as long as it came to it I was safe. Just thought I'd clear that up, your post made me sound like an asshole. ;)
Originally Posted by PROFESSORFRITZL View Post
not when one party is unconscious and bleeding from a head wound

h4rl or chac?
Originally Posted by Nathan View Post
Really, that's all I was planning on doing, but the thing is, he's 33, she's like 26, and I'm 14. Even if I wanted to interfere or something like you said, my voice would not be heard.

I guess this is more just a crappy thing that happened rather than a dilemma.

Yeah, that does make things more shitty. But yeah, but be there for him, and if you need someone to talk to about it either ask your parents or guardians or maybe someone at school. Stuff can be confusing, and its important to talk it out with people.

Originally Posted by Fee View Post
deady, I only suggested a virgin, as I personally would have been more comfortable losing my virginity to someone in the same situation as me. I wouldn't hold the number of sexual partners a girl has had against her, just as long as it came to it I was safe. Just thought I'd clear that up, your post made me sound like an asshole. ;)

:P I didn't mean to Fee. I figured you weren't you aren't an asshole, I just wanted to make a point about the whole virgin=better girl thing and how its generally stupid. And yes, that is a good point about being comfortable with someone who is also not experienced. lol, I remember one girl laughed at me after we kissed (it was my first French kiss) and felt like a total tool. I suppose with this that same thing could be amplified.

Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Dear, deady
nice thread what if one girl likes you and shes pretty hot but the other girl your not sure if she likes you but shes REALLY hot what would you do deady?

There is an old Russian saying that I think applies nicely to this situation, and one I wish I had followed with my first serious girlfriend, "A man who chases two rabbits, doesnt catch either of them". So basically, make up your mind, and pick one. Worrying about both will only leave you and both girls alone or with someone else.

As for the super hot girl, sometimes, not always, but sometimes, really pretty girls like to leave you guessing. She might be totally uninterested, but enjoy knowing that she has you wondering or that she is taking attention away from kinda hot girl. Or, and I think this is more likely, a lot of times when you are attracted to someone it is easy to misread normal things as being signs of interest. She might be just being friendly with you after all. Of course, there is always the possibility that she DOES like you and is just waiting for you to make a move. Since I am not in the situation it would be dumb of me to try and say which one fits best, but I think you can figure it out if you are honest with yourself.

The other girl, the one who is "pretty hot but..." is obviously your safest bet. However, you also shouldn't waste the girls time if you arent interested in her, or are more interested in someone else. So basically don't do that ass hole thing where you try for the one girl but keep the other one waiting in case it doesn't work out with the super hot girl.

You can't pick who you are attracted to, it just doesnt work. And when you have to decide between two people, its a pain in the ass. So either way, bottom line, make a choice, and stick with it no matter what the consequences. If you go after super hot girl and it works, awesome! If she doesnt like you though, dont expect kinda hot girl to still be waiting, and even if she is it would be dishonest of you to do anything with her. If you decide that you DO indeed want to try with kinda hot girl, forget about super hot girl entirely and focus on trying to make kinda hot girl happy. Remember, you can only chase one rabbit at a time, and in the end as long as you pick one instead of worrying about both and running back and forth like a tool, it normally works out for the best.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
How do you deal with someone who is very intelligent and nice except they're also a troll and are very easily angered and get into arguments alot. (internet, not irl)
So like, im not the best looking guy. There's a girl that likes me. She says hi to me in public and hugs me and stuff, but she's not like she is when we are out of school(movies, library, walking home etc). What can i do to try to increase her interest in my without being desperate, OR should in blow her off and make her jealous with somebody else?
bring back wibbles
Originally Posted by Nathan View Post
How do you deal with someone who is very intelligent and nice except they're also a troll and are very easily angered and get into arguments alot. (internet, not irl)

lol, I do that sometimes the easily angered and arguing thing.

Anyways, it depends on what you mean by "deal with". If you mean communicate effectively, than your best bet is to just be level headed with them and try to avoid saying anything that you know will set them off. It sucks to have to trim your words for people, and in most cases I would not suggest it to anyone for any reason. But eh, if you know someone will flip the fuck out over nothing, you might be able to reach them better by being coy and using your words cautiously.

If you mean "how do I get a point across to this person and make them see what I mean" my advice would be to give up now. People, and especially people on the internet very rarely change their point of view. And one thing about the internet is that even if they do, they can go on posting like they didnt, just to save face. So, when debating something on the interbuts, state your opinion, give points and counter arguments when you can, but in the long run dont plan on changing anyones outlook. The best you can hope for is to spread information and hope it sticks somewhere.

Originally Posted by Reanimator View Post
So like, im not the best looking guy. There's a girl that likes me. She says hi to me in public and hugs me and stuff, but she's not like she is when we are out of school(movies, library, walking home etc). What can i do to try to increase her interest in my without being desperate, OR should in blow her off and make her jealous with somebody else?

hmmmmm...so, the girl likes you, she hugs you in public, and when you are out of school is I'm guessing MORE intimate? Reanimator, it sounds like all you have to do is keep this going. Return her a affection a bit, and if she is more close to you in private than in public, be happy because most people are like that and those people who are super mushy and kissy in public are annoying.

If I am wrong, and she is ONLY hugging and saying hi and being nice in public, that's another situation, and could stem from a number of reasons. Anything from her wanting to impress someone else, to her being into you, but only feeling comfortable when others are around because she knows things wont get out of hand.

Either way, I say go for it. How exactly you do that will be up to you to figure out, but there is no sense in not at least trying. One general piece of advice I can give is to not put too much pressure on her. Even if she likes you, if you get all weird on her she may very well stop, so no acting creepy and being quiet or randomly grabbing her somewhere you shouldn't or something. Normally talking about things openly is a safe bet, but some girls are also sticklers for letting things happen without being spoken on. You will have to figure out on your own what sort of girl she is, and move from there.

What I REALLY want to get across though (since it was the first thing you said in your post), is that you need to kick that "Im not the best looking guy" shit out of your head. Nobody is the best looking guy, and one wonderful thing about many women is that looks can be secondary to them (at least they are more likely to be like that than men are). But even so, even if you are horribly disfigured, being self assured will do more for a person than good looks could ever do, that's why you see so many ugly d-bags with smokin hot girlfriends. Those ugly d-bags aren't worried about whether or not they are ugly d-bags, and people (including women) see that and are naturally drawn to it and respect it. So yeah, first things first, and above all else, don't worry about whether or not she likes you not only is there nothing you can do to change it if she doesn't, but 9 times out of 10 doing that only lowers your chances because instead of being yourself (which is what any person wants in a significant other) you are more worried about being someone YOU think the person will like.

Seriously man, it sounds like you have this one in the bag. Just DOOO EEETT!
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
dear deady i have a question to ask but i am to tired after school to type it out so what should i do?
Dear Deady,
I always have the compulsion to use my computer even when I KNOW I have homework etc.
What should I do?
Dear Deady,
My shoes were soaked in the 1 hour storm we got yesterday (got 3 inches of rain in that time) How should I dry my shoes and socks? (inb4someedit)
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