Original Post
Want to hold tourneys and events? Apply for GK!
So guys, I have decided!

The list of the people who is getting GK is:

To the others who didnt get selected, dont let this get your hopes down, I will be in need of more gamekeepers soon, until then, aim for being known and respected in the community and gain as many hosting experience as you can.

See you next time,
SlipAnc and the gamekeepers.
Last edited by SlipAnc; Apr 23, 2010 at 05:22 PM.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

Your name and age Hello, My name is Kennth Johnson and I am 17 years of age and I would like to become a Toribash Game Keeper.
Your timezone Cenral -6 GMT
Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event :I use to hold private tourneys with my past Toribash friends, for low amount of tc like 200tc just to have something to compete for.
The reason why you want to join : I want to join because I want to make Toribash fun again. I want to be the type of GameKeeper other people see as the ''Fun GK'', meaning I host Tourneys everyday and have events to express peoples true ability to show new comers they could be just as good as the pros. I also want to help ingame. I want to keep the ingame community calm, cool, a fun place to be. I know many people who have quit because they were being called names and many other things, so I want that to stop.
The reason why should we pick you: You should pick me because I'm the right person for the job. I have experienced working on project nd hosting things. When I was 16, I hosted parties for my high school and Dj'ed. (Lol idk if this matters) I know how to host things right, things that will make people want to come when they see your username under events. I'm also obedient and know right from wrong. This is why I want to become a GameKeeper(I also love the colorful names )

Your name and age
Im know around the forums as Mobi, But my real name is Morris and I just turned 17 on the 9th of April (April 9th for clarity)

Your timezone
-5 GMT (USA; Virginia)

Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event
Well I have experience with hosting tournies, some of you may have observed a few. I say I've hosted maybe about 15 total, they run much smoother now hat I've had experience doing so. I haven't hosted a forum event, alone anyway besides a few organized for a clan I used to be in, but they to ran very smoothly.
(Sorry, cannot provide thread links as they were deleted, well more like moved to the rubbish bin which was deleted, by the clan leader)

The reason why you want to join
I would like to join the GameKeepers because I would like to contribute to the Toribash Community. Id like to get everyone involved with something regardless of it requiring skill, inteligence, or the ability to google.

The reason why should we pick you
Well, I often come up with ideas but i never have the means to follow through with them. I feel that i can benefit the community with my creativity, talents, and upright ideas im confident that i can go far with this group. Im active enough on the forums, as well as in-game to know how to operate thing correctly; Im on for about 6 hours during weekdays, and about 7-9 hours on weekends. I also can take on more than one task at a time.

Thanks for your time.
Last edited by MOBI; Apr 16, 2010 at 03:06 AM.
My name is Andrew, I am 15 and in the 9th grade. My family just moved into virginia and my GMT is -5, i think. I have been playing toribash for a year and a half and have hosted a few [s] clan tournies with some clanmates, so i know how to host, i'd just like to do it officially. I would like to join the GameKeepers for a few reasons. First of all I see alot of ingame abuse going on. I'd like to be able to put people who are out of line beck into check. I like being in tourneis and i would love to host them, because tournies are always full of excitement and I like helping out. I think that I would be able to host regular tournies and be able to be accessed when I am needed. I think that you should pick me because I am willing to be helpful and i would very much like to help out the Toribash community. I have always wanted to be in a position where i could help out in this community. I also think that overall i am a nice likeable guy who can most importantly, get the job done.

Thank You for considering my application
Last edited by Oli; Apr 16, 2010 at 02:53 AM.
bring back wibbles
  • Your name and age:jaiden chamberlain 11 ( but very mature)
  • Your timezone Australian EST
  • Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event :no links but me and my clan have had little fun tourneys
  • The reason why you want to join:help our the community and be a known member of this community
  • The reason why should we pick you: im young mature have played toribash for 1-2 years and is good fun!
  • i am on toribash EVERYDAY except wednesday and sunday
So all that remains now is to apply.

This thread will be closed on Monday, the 19th of April, then we will decide who to approve.
I am willing to get 10-15 people in the team, so do your best.
Last edited by Jaiden; Apr 16, 2010 at 03:27 AM.
Been here since 09', Former Co-Lead of [MLP]. I'm here to stay. RIP to the lost brothers through the years, non of you're forgotten
Just something quick and simple...

Name and age: Jeremy Perez, 17 years old.
GMT: -5
Past hosting experience: Absolutely no hosting experience at all but I can learn really quickly
Why do I want to join: Well, I love helping people, setting up tourneys for my clan so why not set up tournaments for the world?
Why should I be picked: I have a lot of time in my hands doing nothing, I want something to keep me busy while doing good.
Proud leader of [TANG]
Old Schooler
Your name and age: Murmayder or Nick IRL. I'm 17.
Your timezone: 10+ GMT
Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event: Trial for PT
The reason why you want to join: I'm already a ToriAgent and local mod on 2 boards, this is naturally the next step up if I want to help the community more. I'm very active and am always looking to be more apart of this community and I have the capability to do it.
The reason why should we pick you: ^
Last edited by Murmayder; Apr 18, 2010 at 03:42 AM.
Your name and age: Jesse Williams, 16

Your timezone: Est GMT -5

Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event: I have little experience holding events. Though I'm hoping to change that, whether I become a GameKeeper or not.

The reason why you want to join: I think it would be fun to start hosting events. Being a GameKeeper would allow me to hold events that would attract to come. And possibly work with other GameKeepers.

The reason why should we pick you: I am quite active when I'm given something to do. I try to get along with everyone. And I'm good at coming up with ideas, or working up ideas from little things.
Last edited by JesseD; Apr 16, 2010 at 04:45 AM.
  • Your name and age LordxDeath and I'm 19
  • Your timezone New Zealand
  • Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event -NA-
  • The reason why you want to join Because I want to be a GK and do stuff
  • The reason why should we pick you Because I am active, immature, helpful, honest and untrustworthy.
  • Your name and age: Doxxy and my other account is White_Tiger. My real name is Albert. I am 17 years old, turning 18 on 12/2
  • Your timezone: Central GMT -6 usually on between 5: 00 pm and 12: 00 pm
  • Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event: Well I haven't held any events, but I am very good with making forums, and making banners, headers, etc for the event. I have hosted a few tourneys before with the help of some friends.
  • The reason why you want to join: I want to join, because I am bored of being normal toribashian. I believe I can help the community, and bring some fun to it with my skills.
  • The reason why should we pick you: I have many talents that would be useful. And I can do a lot of work in a short time if I put my mind to it. I have a great talent in creating art for forums or toris. What ever needs to be made I can do. I have ab it of experience in hosting tourneys but a bit rusty, but it shouldn't be to hard to remember. That's all I can think of.

    Thank you for reading.

Aka jusmi.
Ponzo's application
  • Your name and age:My name is Jordan in real life and my age is 15
  • Your timezone:Eastern -5:00
  • Your past hosting experience, possibly with links if it was a forum event:I haven't hosted much but i've helped some friends with betting rooms and hosted alot of hotseat events.
  • The reason why you want to join:So i can become more active in the improvement of toribash, and so i can host plenty of tourneys and help out the knew people of Toribash.
  • The reason why should we pick you:Because i am active*except on soccer days* and i also am trustworthy and rising into being known by people, i also am helpful.
  • Good luck with all your choices
Last edited by Ponzo; Apr 22, 2010 at 01:49 AM.