dude, im gonna pray for you today and every day, I ask god that you make it back ok, and if you dont i just want you to know that we love you man. All of TB does, especially your buds here in piratez. God Bless and good luck
Im a squirrel and I'm so awesome that my friend bought me Toriprime.
I assume that this contracted lung-pipe isn't due to Asthma? Regardless, you should be just fine, the doctors and surgeons know what they're doing, and they all take their responsibilities very seriously. Anyways, i wish you the best of luck, and i hope you make a quick recovery.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Man, don't get too worried. You'll be fine.
I'll be praying for you haha. But don't worry it's not that big of an operation. My uncle had it and he is perfectly fine.
Originally Posted by m0o View Post
It's a pretty basic operation. They insert a tube (balloon) into your trachea and inflate it. Then they add support (generally a pole or hard tubing)

Wish you a speedy recovery.

Basically what I have to say.

Which makes this "farewell" thread a bit useless, don'tcha think? Since it's a low-risk operation and all. A bit attention-whoreish, too.

Nonetheless, good luck.
