Because it's going to grow too big too fit in one thread, I'm going to create a new tut. for the full board list. It will be up soon.
Quit, probably.
Fish that doesnt even make sense. You are saying that this tut is pointless and you dont see why people should need this but then you say "good work" I dont get it.

I think it will help people who want to get their rep up actually do it.
You might want to add "Do Your Research".
Its a pain in the ass when people make false claims about knowing something about the game or having absolute knowlage on a topic in discussion when they are really just throwing out arbitrary facts or statistics out there. Plus, you can look like a complete dumb fuck when someone proves you incorrect.

It upsets me to see that people need a tutorial to demonstrate how to behave on a forum.
I have a good rule for you.
Use common sense.
That's really all you need to succeed.
Originally Posted by steve View Post
It upsets me to see that people need a tutorial to demonstrate how to behave on a forum.
I have a good rule for you.
Use common sense.
That's really all you need to succeed.


Glad somebody pointed this out.