Okay, so i've another computer, i'll take the pic with this other one, with shaders. (But atm i can't, but tonight'll be ok)

@Molek : Je te traduit ce qu'il t'as dit ==> "Wow, non, et n'utilise pas ma 'ground texture' (texture de sol) pour quoi que ce soit."

Btw, hhu80, do you like Molek's posture? So, is smthing like that you would want me to do?
ya that would work just make sure that the pic is better than that because you cant see my guys face very well.
Yeah, no problem, i'll do something like that tonight, but in better quality. ;)

For the moment, i'm working on the logo, i'll post some WIP.

EDIT: Enjoy this one? :

Last edited by Doft; Jun 14, 2010 at 06:01 PM.
Okay. Proud to see that you like it!

I'm now looking for someone to made a pose take a screen. (Cause i've done another posture, thise one :

But i'm not sure you'll enjoy it, so i didn't send it to anyone so he can take a better quality pic)
Last edited by Doft; Jun 15, 2010 at 12:41 AM.