*EDIT* i have a problem dude... i buy now a head from a friend... and i don't have 20k XD
sorry, but i'm out
Last edited by DikHere; Jun 28, 2010 at 09:34 PM. Frettchen is leading with 18k! :]
Last edited by superme1; Jun 28, 2010 at 09:35 PM. Reason: mistake
I raise once more!
Originally Posted by superme1 View Post
1st set bought by DzEzUs
2nd set made by me
3rd set bought by Bio
end date(for all the sets)24 hours after last valid bid
frettchen is leading with 15k on the 1st set
tori309 is leading with the equivalent of 17k on the 3rd set
FOR ALL:i accept tc,flames,items,textures.

p.s. after this post i add a new set!

Originally Posted by Frettchen View Post
and frett is the winner i sent the tc ^^

EDIT: For your records...

You've sent 15000 toricredits to superme1

You'll have to take the 15k TC. The bid lasted for a day, thus buying out your set. Sorry, but it's the rules. You set an end date and you have to respect it. If you don't, expect a pretty hefty ban.

The set is Frettchen's, for 15k.
RedDevil, and then I have to get my set right?
The 3rd one.
My bid lasted 1 day also..

Ok, send the set superme1.

Ill send 17k.

Edit: Hey look, my bid lasted 2 days.
Ok. Ill wait until superme1 is online and tell him to send me the set.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Hey!!! Common you need to send me the Blue bot set..
Ill send you the 17k when I see the set in my hands..
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020

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Give him time dude. He hasn't been on since he last posted here.