Merkd: Sure thing i will recolor the bandana, but the gaia stuff in the hair...umm there is no hair xD but il /dl you and see what that would look best ^^, (maybe i'll just recolor all the green to gaia, that would probably look best ^^,)

SlimeSkull: Sure thing, but for me to send you the flat i would need your email. just send me your email and your tc and it's yours

Edit: Merkd do you want a Gaia Force from me? i saw that you used Marine Force (i think, if not aqua) and Gaia Relax.

Edit: Here is the head Merkd hope you like it.

Last edited by Fenris; Jul 17, 2010 at 03:01 PM.
y do u need my e-mail.........i shall creat a new e-mail just for toribash u no cos i dnt want randoms noing it soz.......i will pm my new one to u in a few minutes........thanx......
should i just send u the tc via transfer toricredits
Last edited by SlimeSKULL; Jul 18, 2010 at 12:36 AM.
SlimeSkull: Head has been sent to [email protected]

Zac333: this is'nt actually a request shop...and i am not really good with Robot heads etc.
a render image is the image i am making your head out off Example, you want Ash from Pokemon to be your head, then a picture of Ash is going to be the Render.
the Robot head in the shop was just a first. (think it was a bit hard to work with)
so i am sorry but i won't do the request, if you want a head please buy one from my shop or find someone doing requests.
Scrath that. i want the robot head in acid and blackish silverish plz?
Last edited by Kolors; Jul 27, 2010 at 09:54 PM. Reason: scrath that. i want the robot head in acid and blackish silverish plz?