I'm more of an Xbox-360 fan, but before i gave up my PS2 i was raving on it for days. It will probly die in like....a year or two though R.I.P PS2

P.S: God of war was the best game for it :P
PS2, N64, etc. All classics
A truly great game transcends the platform.
And a truly great platform transcends the ages.
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
Oh well, all great things must come to an end. Though the PS2's games were freaking awesome. Sad that its legacy is dying.
I have one in my bottom drawer with termites eating them up. Yeah, I guess it is dead. My watch has better graphics than that. It was pretty nice for about 2 months after I got it. Onimusha 2 was an incredible game for PS2.
Originally Posted by qq5ben View Post

Shadow....Of.....The..... Colossus.

Best fucking game on the ps2.

God of war is great too, obviously

Shadow of the Colossus was an epic game. Ico, too.
you should check up 'The Last Guardian' for PS3.
I don't feel a thing, and I stopped remembering
the days are just like moments turned to hours
I think the PS2 will die as soon as they fix the issues with backwards compatibility on the PS3 (for example, try playing final fantasy X on a PS3 then compare it to on PS2) and/or they release all PS2 titles for digital download on the PSnet store, if they haven't already (I don't have a PS3, still on PS2 and recently Xbox360, but will get PS3 :P).