Your belt/qi: 2 dan blackbelt - Qi 2763

Mod that you prefer: Judo, Aikido

Screenshot to presentation:

(I w8 for this same head but with black hairs so i do new screen)

Self informations: Im from Poland, im student, i have 20 years, I have awesone girlfriend and i love do split in judo
My previous clan is MFR
skoQ is a good buddy of mine and i think he'ed be good in the clan
Last edited by ashguy6; Mar 9, 2011 at 07:48 AM.
Your belt/qi (min. black belt):Sorry but brown
Mod that you prefer:Aikido
Screenshot to presentation:What? My attack or something?
Self informations:
-Active:1-1,5 hours per day
-Ratio- 38.90. Yes I know. I was losing because I was dont haved my own attack. Now I think I am better than before.
-I am from Poland
- I wanna join this clan because there's polish and friendly for other players.