Endurance Onslaught 6.0
i find this thread rather funny. everyones just stating their faveorite games and saying its revolutionary. most of them aren't especially halo. halo brought nothing new to gaming its just an average shooter with a decent multiplayer that got incredibly popular so all u fanboys can STFU

most modern games are not revolutionary in any way whatsoever. im not so sure about older games as i haven't played half of them. there are some games that are not viewed as revolutionary but may well be viewed as revolutionary some day. littlebigplanet 1 and 2 and minecraft. the reason i feel that thes games are revolutionary is that it proves to developers that u don't need fancy story lines and graphics to make a good game. all u need is to perfect a simple game concept.
i feel that over the last few years gaming has went downhill. in terms of technical achievement its got better but in terms of creating a game which fulfills its purpose; for u to enjoy playing it. recently theres been a massive increase in FPS's like halo, COD, and GOW where the nature of the game causes players to become obsessed and way too serious and newcomers are ridiculed. i see people completely flip out at games all the time and yet persist that they are enjoying themselves. the games i mentioned and many more are not designed for fun they are designed so that people can waste away their lives sat infront of the game whilst getting pissed at it. i don't see the point.

i sorta went off on a tangent a bit there =D
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Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
And yes Halo is revolutionary in a sense, actually more evolutionary than revolutionary.
We have our gay ass standard fps with your standard controls, Jump, shoot, sprint, crouch which appears in Call of Duty, Red mercury, black hawk down, Battlefield, and many others. Now we have Halo Reach, which has Low-grav, Jumps, shoot, sprint, and crouch, Loadouts, that completely changes up combat, from small weapons to large vehicles. The fact that the physics are completely different compared to any other fps is quite revolutionary itself.

Congratulations, you just added 3 different things that you attribute to Halo Reach, yet were around way before it.

Low grav could be seen in Unreal Tournament with the grav boots, changing gravity etc. etc. Only need to list one example to render your argument invalid so moving on.

Loadouts have been around since the fucking dark ages of fps gaming. Heck, Call of Duty already had loadouts, BF2 has loadouts that affect vehicle gameplay as well as small arms fights, and it came out before Halo Reach, your argument is invalid.

And oh look, I make a shitty game based on Flash engine limitations, nobody else has this physics system, I'm revolutionary. No. Also, how is that any different than say the CryEngine, or the Quake Engine (which more games are based on than Halo's engine). There's nothing revolutionary about coming up with a new physics system if nobody uses it, or it doesn't cause any change. All Halo's engine has done is leech off other engine's properties and repackages it.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
And yes Halo is revolutionary in a sense, actually more evolutionary than revolutionary.
We have our gay ass standard fps with your standard controls, Jump, shoot, sprint, crouch which appears in Call of Duty, Red mercury, black hawk down, Battlefield, and many others. Now we have Halo Reach, which has Low-grav, Jumps, shoot, sprint, and crouch, Loadouts, that completely changes up combat, from small weapons to large vehicles. The fact that the physics are completely different compared to any other fps is quite revolutionary itself.

Halo: Reach did NOT have any extraordinary physics, did NOT bring loadouts to the genre and there is absolutely NOTHING special about low gravity.

And yes, since Halo 3 Halo has been one of those "gay ass standard fps".
Last edited by Ostakex; Mar 10, 2011 at 01:00 AM.
Halo was definitely a step foreward in gaming, for xbox people.

Now before the hater (fanboys?) descend upon me;
Yes halo did not bring anything new to shooters, you guys seem to have fun pointing that out. It did bring a fps's to the Xbox with rather comfortable controls and a comfortable backstory. It also pretty much invented Xbox live as well because people liked it so much they created there own networks or something, I don't really know how it worked.

Also in todays rant. Games from the 80's-90's does not automatically make them revolutionary, or classic. People like to think that the first super mario was some sort of god-send, or that Final Fantasy was the first rpg. The truth is many things had already been done on the computer and Nintendo was just bringing it to the masses.

There are not really any games that completely shook things up, game's since there begining have just been polished every year.

To be honest, I can't come up with any games that truly deserve the title 'revolutionary' because I grew up with what most people grew up with.

How about tennis for 2? first game to have multiplayer. There, the end Period.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Originally Posted by weed33 View Post
i find this thread rather funny. everyones just stating their faveorite games and saying its revolutionary. most of them aren't especially halo. halo brought nothing new to gaming its just an average shooter with a decent multiplayer that got incredibly popular so all u fanboys can STFU

But I fucking hate Halo. I've probably got the wrong definition of revolutionary, but wasn't Halo the first huge game with regenerating health? Every fucking game that's released now has regenerating health.

Or I could be a huge retard. I'll just start avoiding this thread before I make myself look stupider.
Last edited by up2u; Mar 10, 2011 at 07:14 AM.
Originally Posted by ivolt View Post
Halo was definitely a step foreward in gaming, for xbox people.

Oright if we would think like you and holler what was a "step forward" in games then we would have a pretty big problem discuss this in this thread.

Originally Posted by ivolt View Post
Also in todays rant. Games from the 80's-90's does not automatically make them revolutionary, or classic. People like to think that the first super mario was some sort of god-send, or that Final Fantasy was the first rpg.

Yes it does, its IS classics, and some of the oldschool games are quite revolutionary.
It doesnt have to be good though. but i dont need to drag these games up again.

Originally Posted by ivolt View Post
How about tennis for 2? first game to have multiplayer.


Originally Posted by up2u View Post
but wasn't Halo the first huge game with regenerating health? Every fucking game that's released now has regenerating health.

Check the other replies, ive answared you before some games that have the generate health system, huge game or not, its a piece from other games.
Last edited by Dagger; Mar 10, 2011 at 08:19 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
Yay, multiple Halo arguments! \o/ Loving it.

I'll keep it simple - Halo brought NOTHING new to the table, it's got nothing that hadn't been done multiple times before. That goes for the entire series, it's just generic recycled crap.

However as much as I dislike the whole Mehlo series the 1st was the real stepping stone for console FPS (mostly due to having controls that sucked less than previous efforts). Regardless, it's still generic pap.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
How the hell could you guys have forgot World of War Craft. Pretty much the first popular mmorpg to ever be created, not to mention the fact that it's probably one of the reasons that half of America is obese.
Rogue clown