Originally Posted by Defyant View Post
I know exactly what a HADOUKEN is. :o

Don't get all bold, caps, italics and underliney with me. Hadoken is the common western spelling. Same reason I don't go around calling Tokyo Toukyou or sumo sumou. Nobody would know what I was talking about, and I'd be missing the entire point of communication, just so I could feel all big for knowing more Japanese than they do, while they think I sound like a retard for pronouncing things funny.
Last edited by Dafe; Mar 16, 2008 at 09:47 PM.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
Originally Posted by xicer View Post
someone should make a shoryuken replay, now that would be sweet

nuthug already has :o
Pretty awesome

<pirate> wow i almost threw up from sneezing rofl
countered that neutral/neg rep

Anyways, dafe's shoryuken is amazing
Maybe a street fighter move montage is needed :o

<pirate> wow i almost threw up from sneezing rofl