Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Tie with you and Zinx.. Sex On Spot usually wins.

Next situation -

You have just gone to a high security prison for killing a man, in two weeks you will have you're life taken from you on the electric chair. In you're cell you have the basic bed, a pillow and a knife you stole from the cafeteria in you're pillow case with also a cell mate who knows the prison off by heart.

What do you do?
Start a faked fight with my cellmate so that the guard comes into the cell to break it up. Then gang up on the guard and smother him with the pillow. Exchange outfits with the body, then break my cellmate's non-dominant arm with the guard's nightstick so that Ican escort him to the medical area. Place the guard's body in a position so that it looks like he's sleeping in the bed. Then escort my cellmate to the medical area and kill the doctor(s). Have my cellmate exchange outfits with one of the doctor(s) and have him guide us out of the prison as quickly as possible in our disguises. Tell anyone we pass by that the doctor is helping me get home because I'm sick. Then bust the hell out of there.
Wait, you're having a cellmate with a broken arm put on a doctor's getup and then running away? I guess it could work but, meh.

I'd fake a fight with my cellmate, grab the guards nightstick and/or knife, Shout out phrases like, "Step 1, SECURE THE KEY!" Then we would get some acetone and a blowtorch. After that, I would grab a sick mini gun nicknamed, "The Death Machine" and escape Vorkuta on motorbikes.
Former Toribasher. Never any good though.
Rest in peace Tint.

I would wait by the cell door for a guard to walk past then stab in quietly in the jugular vein so he dies quickly. Then swap uniforms with him, take his key (Keep the knife as well) and take my cell mate with me, he would take me to the medical room and say he is terribly sick in there I use that injection which makes faint and do it to the doctors so their uniforms weren't bloody and put it on my cell mate. From their we would walk out the front door saying its the end of our shift and at the gate show our ID's (On our uniform).

Then leg it to a hide out.