Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Oh god, which idiots are advocating that you beat up your mother? What the fuck?

I run into this kind of thread too often: look, if you're privileged enough to have your own personal device such as a computer or phone that allows you to post this stuff in the first place, you clearly aren't being horribly bullied and oppressed by your mother.
Everyone in here has pretty much given the worst possible answer: provoking conflict or initiating further conflict.
The first step is to try and seek therapy, either emotional therapy or family therapy along with your mother. Consider: does anyone at all except strangers on the internet (we should NOT be the people you're telling this to) know that you considered suicide? That you're this far down the road of despising your parents?
If you actually feel that your situation is so horribly untenable (and it really doesn't sound like it is, what with the whiny "my mom punished me for doing something wrong, time to kill myself"), call child services. This is, of course, the obvious way you pick who you live with. Foster care programs will accept you providing you're actually worth their time.

Preliminary emancipation isn't meant to get you away from your parents, and shouldn't be used as such.

Man, people take parents so stupidly for granted. Would you like a college education? Because they're usually the ones paying for it, and they aren't really obligated to. Would you like an inheritance? Most people would, and they aren't obligated to give that to you either.

Edit: since this seemed to pop up too: ignore people stupidly advocating that you actually run away. This would immediately brand you as the instigator and culprit, not your parents. Further, it would get the police involved, and in the meantime quite possibly leave you broke and homeless.

I agree that op's situation doesn't seem terrible enough at all to justify running away or anything like that. I assumed there was more to it than just "I have chores and my mom punished me when I misbehaved."

@T0ribush Those items are luxury items. It's not a right for your parents to give you things to play with. That's completely absurd. All they have to do is provide food and shelter and not be negligent. The parents are required by law to provide for the child, but this doesn't include expensive shit like a computer or cell phone or car. The kid should be grateful if he has these things.
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
Boredpayne maybe your parents are willing to pay for college, Go into family therapy, Or give you inheritance, but a hell of a lot of families aren't like yours. They aren't willing to pay for your college because most are already in massive fucking debt, They simply do not have the patience for family therapy furthermore therapy probably costs a lot of money, and don't really have anything to give except the furniture and stuff after their death.

And these parents' kids have more to worry about than their mothers making them do chores. Please read on to understand vulc's probable financial position and why everything you've just said is ridiculous.
First, let me point out that in families that are struggling to make do, people at the age of 16 work. Now on to the meat of your silly argument:
1. Parents not willing to pay for college are unfit to be parents. Parents incapable of paying for college do not buy their children cars. The same goes for giving inheritance.
2. I advised him to seek therapy on his own or with his mother. If his mother is unwilling then obviously he should only seek it on his own. This kind of simple logic is implicit and I really thought the reader was capable of figuring it out on his or her own.
Originally Posted by T0ribush
And he's probably not using HIS computer like you probably are right now. I bet you have a cellphone too?

Did you miss the bit where vulc is 16 and has his own car?
Reading comprehension is a very, very useful skill in life.
Here, just for future reference: a family capable of providing a car and insurance for their child (the car expenses + insurance totals in the 30,000's at minimum) is at the very least middle class, probably upper middle class and beyond. You also apparently ignored the obvious fact that he has free access to the internet, a sure sign of some personal, expensive device.
I am using my own personal computer and do have a cellphone, though it is totally irrelevant. The cellphone is a 7 year old hand-me-down. I plan on receiving a newer one in a year or so, probably with a limited text/talk only plan.
Originally Posted by T0ribush
And this situation most likely isn't like "my mom punished me for doing something wrong, time to kill myself" It's a fuck load deeper than that. Something you probably wouldn't know and understand because you've never gone through it before. It's like she refuses to show any affection to him. I honestly don't think you relate to this situation what so ever, and is actually the complete opposite of this situation.

My sister suffered from severe chronic depression coupled with ADHD and numerous other medical conditions, neurological and physical. I myself have been tentatively diagnosed with depression once, but I do not actually believe that it affected me in any real way.

Perhaps you shouldn't presume to know me or my life based upon a single post I make? Great, thanks.

Referencing your silly "it's a fuckload deeper than that, man!" The problem is that it really isn't. He seriously contemplated suicide because his mother got frustrated at him once and wasn't willing to listen to him immediately after he had done something he wasn't supposed to do. It really isn't that outrageous. Children love to rail against parents and believe they're out to get them, or hate them because of something insignificant in the overall scheme of the relationship.
Originally Posted by T0ribush
Your best advice Child Services.

Actually I'm not really advocating that he essentially divorces his parents forever, unless he's getting beaten or neglected to a serious degree.
In fact, it sounds like a terrible idea in this scenario.
Originally Posted by T0ribush
Also he has a job, and he has a friends parent that is willing to look after him.

He has no job, since he never specified one.
I laughed, too. "Hi Mrs. James, I'm running away from my evil parents, do you mind if I stay with you guys from now on?"
Originally Posted by T0ribush
Don't you think it's the opposite as well? Parents take their kids for granted?

Play a parental role for any child and you'll see that's totally and absolutely not the case.
Originally Posted by T0ribush
Parents? Never had 'em, Don't need 'em wouldn't want to meet them either. Abusive drunk uncle? Shit, I don't need that either, but I'm here.

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Buy VIP and Toriprime for a great price here! http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=237249

Hey look more than two lines.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Oh god, which idiots are advocating that you beat up your mother? What the fuck?

I run into this kind of thread too often: look, if you're privileged enough to have your own personal device such as a computer or phone that allows you to post this stuff in the first place, you clearly aren't being horribly bullied and oppressed by your mother.
Everyone in here has pretty much given the worst possible answer: provoking conflict or initiating further conflict.
The first step is to try and seek therapy, either emotional therapy or family therapy along with your mother. Consider: does anyone at all except strangers on the internet (we should NOT be the people you're telling this to) know that you considered suicide? That you're this far down the road of despising your parents?
If you actually feel that your situation is so horribly untenable (and it really doesn't sound like it is, what with the whiny "my mom punished me for doing something wrong, time to kill myself"), call child services. This is, of course, the obvious way you pick who you live with. Foster care programs will accept you providing you're actually worth their time.

Preliminary emancipation isn't meant to get you away from your parents, and shouldn't be used as such.

Man, people take parents so stupidly for granted. Would you like a college education? Because they're usually the ones paying for it, and they aren't really obligated to. Would you like an inheritance? Most people would, and they aren't obligated to give that to you either.

Edit: since this seemed to pop up too: ignore people stupidly advocating that you actually run away. This would immediately brand you as the instigator and culprit, not your parents. Further, it would get the police involved, and in the meantime quite possibly leave you broke and homeless.

Lol, did I mention she hasn't bought me a single article of clothing since i was in 8th grade? I halved the cost of my car with my dad. Bought my computer AND my phone. Oh and don't assume you know what you're talking about all the time. Maybe you're rich, but I'm not.
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
Boredpayne maybe your parents are willing to pay for college, Go into family therapy, Or give you inheritance, but a hell of a lot of families aren't like yours. They aren't willing to pay for your college because most are already in massive fucking debt, They simply do not have the patience for family therapy furthermore therapy probably costs a lot of money, and don't really have anything to give except the furniture and stuff after their death.

And he's probably not using HIS computer like you probably are right now. I bet you have a cellphone too?

And this situation most likely isn't like "my mom punished me for doing something wrong, time to kill myself" It's a fuck load deeper than that. Something you probably wouldn't know and understand because you've never gone through it before. It's like she refuses to show any affection to him.

I honestly don't think you relate to this situation what so ever, and is actually the complete opposite of this situation.

Your best advice Child Services.

Also he has a job, and he has a friends parent that is willing to look after him.

Don't you think it's the opposite as well? Parents take their kids for granted?

Parents? Never had 'em, Don't need 'em wouldn't want to meet them either. Abusive drunk uncle? Shit, I don't need that either, but I'm here.

Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
And these parents' kids have more to worry about than their mothers making them do chores. Please read on to understand vulc's probable financial position and why everything you've just said is ridiculous.
First, let me point out that in families that are struggling to make do, people at the age of 16 work. Now on to the meat of your silly argument:
1. Parents not willing to pay for college are unfit to be parents. Parents incapable of paying for college do not buy their children cars. The same goes for giving inheritance.
2. I advised him to seek therapy on his own or with his mother. If his mother is unwilling then obviously he should only seek it on his own. This kind of simple logic is implicit and I really thought the reader was capable of figuring it out on his or her own.

Did you miss the bit where vulc is 16 and has his own car?
Reading comprehension is a very, very useful skill in life.
Here, just for future reference: a family capable of providing a car and insurance for their child (the car expenses + insurance totals in the 30,000's at minimum) is at the very least middle class, probably upper middle class and beyond. You also apparently ignored the obvious fact that he has free access to the internet, a sure sign of some personal, expensive device.
I am using my own personal computer and do have a cellphone, though it is totally irrelevant. The cellphone is a 7 year old hand-me-down. I plan on receiving a newer one in a year or so, probably with a limited text/talk only plan.

My sister suffered from severe chronic depression coupled with ADHD and numerous other medical conditions, neurological and physical. I myself have been tentatively diagnosed with depression once, but I do not actually believe that it affected me in any real way.

Perhaps you shouldn't presume to know me or my life based upon a single post I make? Great, thanks.

Referencing your silly "it's a fuckload deeper than that, man!" The problem is that it really isn't. He seriously contemplated suicide because his mother got frustrated at him once and wasn't willing to listen to him immediately after he had done something he wasn't supposed to do. It really isn't that outrageous. Children love to rail against parents and believe they're out to get them, or hate them because of something insignificant in the overall scheme of the relationship.

Actually I'm not really advocating that he essentially divorces his parents forever, unless he's getting beaten or neglected to a serious degree.
In fact, it sounds like a terrible idea in this scenario.

He has no job, since he never specified one.
I laughed, too. "Hi Mrs. James, I'm running away from my evil parents, do you mind if I stay with you guys from now on?"

Play a parental role for any child and you'll see that's totally and absolutely not the case.


Lol. You really have no idea. I DO have a job, I work at ODOT. And my friend agreed to let me stay because she knows my mom is a psycho bitch too. And no, I've been contemplating suicide for 8 months now, so again, don't be a dumbass and assume you know everything.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne
Perhaps you shouldn't presume to know me or my life based upon a single post I make? Great, thanks.

Nice hypocrisy there. And by the way, my insurance is $99.16 a month and my car is paid off. So maybe your parents bought you a 2011 Mustang GT or some shit. My car costed 500 bucks.
Last edited by Vulc; Sep 27, 2011 at 03:42 PM.

Free TC!

Originally Posted by Vulc View Post
Lol, did I mention she hasn't bought me a single article of clothing since i was in 8th grade? I halved the cost of my car with my dad. Bought my computer AND my phone. Oh and don't assume you know what you're talking about all the time. Maybe you're rich, but I'm not.

Really? You bought all of that? With whose money?
Who's paying your internet bill? Who's paying the plan for your cellphone?
Let's do some basic math.
You are 16. You can only have been working for slightly less than a year at most. You have no highschool diploma or college degree.
Apparently your job was a summer job. Factoring that all in, let's say you made minimum wage, 8 bucks an hour, and actually worked 10 hours a day like you claim. The average summer vacation is around 75 days. Did you work weekends? Probably not. (5/7)(6000) is 4285 dollars or so. Take tax off and for simplicity let's just take the sum down to 4000.

In other words, even with a stingy estimate, you as a 16 year old made 4,000 over the summer, and apparently were allowed to keep all of this so you could purchase your own computer, cellphone, car, clothing, cell phone plan, internet plan, and auto insurance. (OH GOD, WHO HAS SO HORRIBLY MISTREATED YOU, YOU POOR, POOR POVERTY-STRICKEN PERSON.)

You're telling me that you've paid for every article of clothing for 3 years. Really? Did you start working in the eighth grade? That would be pretty impressive. How much of that hundreds of dollars was given to you, and how much of it was earned?

Originally Posted by Vulc
Lol. You really have no idea. I DO have a job, I work at ODOT.

Let's play 20 questions.
Oklahoma department of transportation?
Ohio department of transportation? (I'll go with this one). Looked up job listings, minimum wage sounds right.
Oregon department of transportation?
Originally Posted by Vulc
And my friend agreed to let me stay because she knows my mom is a psycho bitch too.

Vulc says: "I stayed at my friend's house once"
Vulc now says: "By the way, this friend is a legal adult, has her own house, and is willing to let me live with her to escape from my parents."
Originally Posted by Vulc
And no, I've been contemplating suicide for 8 months now, so again, don't be a dumbass and assume you know everything.

Vulc says: "Now, I actually seriously thought about killing myself that night, and I just want to be away from her."
Vulc now says: "Not just then, but for 8 whole months! I just felt like lying in my first post, I guess."
Originally Posted by Vulc
Nice hypocrisy there. And by the way, my insurance is $99.16 a month and my car is paid off. So maybe your parents bought you a 2011 Mustang GT or some shit. My car costed 500 bucks.

Vulc says: "I have my own car!"
Vulc now says: "This car is only 1 grand, and I paid for half of it. The insurance is equally cheap, again because the car is trash."

A general fyi: car insurance for any new car for a teenage male driver is typically in the 4-5 thousand range, a mustang gt would cost far far more to insure. I also do not have a car, but ok.

As for hypocrisy: I am making inferences based on what YOU have told me. T0ribush is making inferences about my character based on nothing but my opinion. Frankly everything he said is really dumb, but that doesn't mean I'm going to tell him he's an illiterate 5 year old. That would be actual hypocrisy.

Want me to take your plight seriously? Then stop revising your life story. You actually try and meet me halfway and accurately explain your position, I'll consider it. Until then you're just another middle-class kid who doesn't realize how lucky he is. You are clearly hellbent on victimizing yourself. I guess it's easier to fantasize about beating her up and easier to complain about it than actually try and fix it.

Wow, I could've fed 20 starving, dying children on freerice in the time I've wasted here.

Second edit: Here's a great rule of thumb. If you bought a VIP package for an online forum, you deserve no sympathy for your financial position whatsoever. Lol guys, check out my flashing exclamation mark while at the same time lamenting my poverty.
Last edited by Boredpayne; Sep 27, 2011 at 09:14 PM.
Buy TC for a great price here! http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=240345
Buy VIP and Toriprime for a great price here! http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=237249

Hey look more than two lines.
Do you have a tape recorder or anything like that?

What happens if you ask her if she loves you?

I didn't read everything in detail but because you and boredpayne seem to be arguing over material things, I'd like to remind you that your relationship with your mother is more than just a collection of said things.
Boredpayne, I know many, many, many, many kids that work in grade 8, It isn't impressive, maybe to one who hadn't started working until grade 10, 11 or 12, which judging by your wording and the use of the word "impressive" You fall under those people. I bet you get allowance? I don't think this kid does.

How are you so sure it is a summer job? Are you sure it's not just a job? Because he only said "It was like this during the summer too when I worked for 10 hours a day" What makes you so sure that it was just a summer job? NOTHING, you read that wrong.

I'm not sure if it works the same in America, but The working age differs in Provinces in Canada, I'm pretty sure it's the same in America. And Minimum wage also differs in Provinces, I'm pretty sure it's the same in America. The Minimum wage in Ontario is about $10 in Vancouver it's $8.25 in Saskatoon it's $9.50.

And he's obivously not taking his parent for granted, You see? HE WANTS TO LEAVE, from what I read. That doesn't mean you take parents for granted, like at all, he doesn't want to be with his parent from what I gathered.

You sir, are making pretty retarded inferences.

Vulc says: "Now, I actually seriously thought about killing myself that night, and I just want to be away from her."
Vulc now says: "Not just then, but for 8 whole months! I just felt like lying in my first post, I guess."

You read this like an idiot boredpayne. It most likely means he's thought about it, but was never that close until that night. If you never had thoughts of suicide shut the hell up, It takes courage and contemplation, it could take months, even years until you actually reach that point. It's not a then and there thing.

Oh, my god you were depressed, if it didn't change you, I honestly do not think you went through hardcore depression and wasn't brought on by anything too serious, if anything.

"Actually I'm not really advocating that he essentially divorces his parents forever, unless he's getting beaten or neglected to a serious degree.
In fact, it sounds like a terrible idea in this scenario."

I'm quite positive his parents aren't together. His dad is a drunk in another state, and his mom is the only parent that sounds quite negligent.

"1. Parents not willing to pay for college are unfit to be parents. Parents incapable of paying for college do not buy their children cars. The same goes for giving inheritance."

Yeah, so what? A lot of parents are unfit, but still they are parents. Are you upper middle class or something, where your parents have everything in order and not living paycheck to paycheck, I'm just assuming his parent is like that. I'm also assuming your mom and dad are still together so, you don't know how it feels to only live with one parent?

"2. I advised him to seek therapy on his own or with his mother. If his mother is unwilling then obviously he should only seek it on his own. This kind of simple logic is implicit and I really thought the reader was capable of figuring it out on his or her own."

I think Therapy costs money, down in America, He is practically fending for his own and on top of that there would therapy costs, good idea though.

You say I'm illiterate? You're making all of these onesided inferences. You read what you see, you must suck at poetry, I'm only assuming because the blind things you said.

When he said he had a car, I immedietly thought he had a shit car, which I was right, what did you think? You thought he got a new car? Wow, Judging by all of your inferences I'm just gonna classify you as upper middle class.

And No, I'm not making inferences based on nothing, I'm making inferences based on your inferences.

If he was driving around at the age of 16, well... There is something disfunctional in his fraction of a family. I also know a few people who had there first shit car at the age of 16, it's nothing that special.

"his mother got frustrated at him once" ? I don't think it was just once, it seems excessive, especially if I think I know how his mom is, because I know friends who had just a mom and she was quite shitty.

Do you know anyone that relates to this kids story? I do, growing up in Saskatoon, there are many, many, many kids in this situation.
Last edited by T0ribush; Sep 28, 2011 at 01:45 AM.
Originally Posted by Vulc View Post
Okay, so for some time now, my mom has come home every night and treated me like shit. She emotionally blackmails me into feeling guilty so she can sit around and I have to do chores. She works, I understand, but it was like this during summer when I worked ten hour days, too.

A few weeks ago, I was somewhere I wasn't supposed to be, so she called my dad (who lives in another state) and lied to him about what happened so I would get my car taken away. So, I left and went to a friend's house. Later, I told her I'd talk to her if she'd listen. I explained to her that I was feeling worthless and that I was only around to do chores, and her exact words were "You're just saying that to get out of trouble." Now, I actually seriously thought about killing myself that night, and I just want to be away from her.

This isn't some "My mom didn't let me go somewhere, I'm moving out" thread. I'm tired of being treated like crap. I have considered emancipation, but have been told this isn't a valid reason to be emancipated. So. My friend's mom has said I could stay there, and I would be safe and well fed with them. Is there any way to petition a judge for getting away from my mom? (I live in Oregon)

Also, not trying to get pity here, I just needed to explain the situation and get intelligent answers to my question.


anyway, confront her. she can punish you all she wants but she can't (legally) duct tape your mouth shut
pennis and also dicke and balls
Since this thread has turned into an argument let me throw my two cents in...

OP is not in that bad of a situation, let me say why from the information provided.

- You are driving. That means that you are ALLOWED to have a car and were allowed to get your licence without your mother "locking you in your room with dozens of locks and barred off windows".

- You've reported nothing of "abuse" in any way. From what you say she makes you do chores and made up a lie to your father when you returned home late from somewhere.

- Believe it or not, this mistreatment that you think you're getting is quite common. It's not mistreatment, though, it's a simple set of rules that parents/guardians usually set up in a household.

- You're aloud to have a job and buy your OWN things instead of being trapped in your house and forced to clean.

- If you're mom was THAT bad you would not be given all this freedom you have until you were 18 years of age and considered a legal adult.

(Adding on to the point where you're actively on Toribash, pay for your own cell phone/computer AND the plan for both of them along with your auto insurance and car, which doesn't matter how shitty it is, i'd say you have it pretty good.)

Believe me, with what you have right now and what you're describing to us you will have no problem sticking it out for 2 years until you can officially move out.

then, of course, if you want to be a total bad ass you could just run away. at least that's what most people would do in a case this serious as you're describing it. seriously though, if i was being abused/mistreated at home then my first thought wouldn't be "fuck this i want to kill myself", i'd probably try and live with this friend you're speaking of or running away.

and yes, before you say I know nothing about depression i've been diagnosed with a small case of manic depression and my father has been living with it for 40 years.
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
Boredpayne, I know many, many, many, many kids that work in grade 8, It isn't impressive, maybe to one who hadn't started working until grade 10, 11 or 12, which judging by your wording and the use of the word "impressive" You fall under those people. I bet you get allowance? I don't think this kid does.
The legal working age is 16 or sometimes 15, usually. You're usually 13 or 14 in 8th grade. Allowance isn't a right that the child deserves.

And he's obivously not taking his parent for granted, You see? HE WANTS TO LEAVE, from what I read. That doesn't mean you take parents for granted, like at all, he doesn't want to be with his parent from what I gathered.
He is taking his parents for granted. He thinks he'd be better off without her, when really she probably does more than he thinks for him.

My input in bold ^

Also, she's a single mom, why the fuck do you expect to have a bunch of nice shit that she has to pay for?