Originally Posted by beenyXD View Post
skull- nice going i found the same picture when you put in skull and crossbones in google..... nice going...

And you're posting this why? No one really gives a shit, he didn't say he was the artist so it inst plagiarizing, he just needs to include where he got some of the images from, you don't need to come in here all big trying to show him up. Also, you can talk, you took handlers set and put it on. Oh and another thing, wouldn't that count as a useless post mods?
Last edited by PTDBank; Feb 13, 2012 at 12:23 PM.
Hattersin wants that.
Chain 1750tcs
And please dont send your stuff first, ill just look like a scamer because i have a life, no offense to ANYONE.Just send me a msg if i won the auction and ill send my stuff first, but you just send a msg no flats. (if i even win)
Bassicly send me a notice first then ill send you my tcs (1750 tcs) then send me the flat, also dont report me, i dont scam.If i wasnt on that day it means that i probably had a busy day.
Last edited by kiler66; Feb 13, 2012 at 10:52 PM.
Here i should post something witty if i had something, which i dont.