Endurance Onslaught 6.0
View Poll Results: What OS do you use?
33 Votes / 70.21%
11 Votes / 23.40%
Linux (via WiNE)
3 Votes / 6.38%
Voters: 47. You may not vote on this poll
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PC = For people who are computer literate and well founded.
Mac = For people who are computer illiterate
Linux = Da faq?
3DS FC: 2750 - 1690 - 5913
Acesonnall's Temporary Site: http://flavors.me/acesonnall (If anyone cares)
I run linux

It's wonderful for coding and Wine takes care of any Windows programs you may need.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Linux can't be compared to Windows at all: Pre-installation, Compatibility, Games, Specialised Software, Community Issues (Other OSes do not have the same community issues), etc.
3DS FC: 2750 - 1690 - 5913
Acesonnall's Temporary Site: http://flavors.me/acesonnall (If anyone cares)
Originally Posted by Pikaa View Post
pc's are way too mainstream. all you'll do is aid in the corporations taking over our nation if you buy one

That last bit sounds like mac, mac, mac, mac =P

Originally Posted by Acesonnall View Post
Linux can't be compared to Windows at all: Pre-installation, Compatibility, Games, Specialised Software, Community Issues (Other OSes do not have the same community issues), etc.

1) Linux is easier and faster to install than Windows.
2) WiNE.
3) WiNE.
4) WiNE
5) Community issues?

WiNE can run just about anything with a little bit of effort. Skyrim, Call of Duty, Team Fortress 2, Crysis 2, Fallout 3 all work fine. Photoshop works on WiNE (need to install stuff into it first though.), GIMP is available for *nix...

So, they can indeed be compared. You do suffer minor performance loss when running stuff through WiNE, but they still work =P

Originally Posted by glOw View Post
I run linux

It's wonderful for coding and Wine takes care of any Windows programs you may need.

What distro do you run? =)
Oh dear, this is all going downhill terribly fast.

Anyway, I'm going to go give linux a shot when I have a spare computer. Might be better if I learnt some programming language first
On topic, IRL I use my windows computer for gaming and office stuff, and a Mac for visual art design (I have photoshop and illustrator on my windows PC too, however). I have tried using wine to play some games on that Mac, but it can hardly run Darkplaces Quake on 800x600 without anti-aliasing.

Off-topic: I remove myself from this thread. Inb4closed.
Originally Posted by sireal View Post
That last bit sounds like mac, mac, mac, mac =P

1) Linux is easier and faster to install than Windows.
2) WiNE.
3) WiNE.
4) WiNE
5) Community issues?

WiNE can run just about anything with a little bit of effort. Skyrim, Call of Duty, Team Fortress 2, Crysis 2, Fallout 3 all work fine. Photoshop works on WiNE (need to install stuff into it first though.), GIMP is available for *nix...

So, they can indeed be compared. You do suffer minor performance loss when running stuff through WiNE, but they still work =P

What distro do you run? =)

Except its not that easy too install. Nobody wants to work hard just to get programs to work. (And they don't always work). Not all programs are supported. Plus they aren't meant to be run on a Linux kernel so it just makes you seem illegit. Just buy Windows you don't have to wait for patches to install like WiNE in order to make some of the programs work that were meant for Win32.

Community Issues: Not a lot of people use linux (For an obvious reason) so there isn't a lot of support for when something goes wrong.
3DS FC: 2750 - 1690 - 5913
Acesonnall's Temporary Site: http://flavors.me/acesonnall (If anyone cares)
Originally Posted by Acesonnall View Post
Except its not that easy too install. Nobody wants to work hard just to get programs to work. (And they don't always work). Not all programs are supported. Plus they aren't meant to be run on a Linux kernel so it just makes you seem illegit. Just buy Windows you don't have to wait for patches to install like WiNE in order to make some of the programs work that were meant for Win32.

Community Issues: Not a lot of people use linux (For an obvious reason) so there isn't a lot of support for when something goes wrong.


Ok first of all. It's ridiculously easy to install. I could put it on a disk and have my technologically inclined mother install it. Possibly even easier than windows since most prebuilt computers don't come with an actual windows disk now adays.

Most of the things I need, there's a linux alternative that works just as well or better. If there isn't then wine runs it just fine usually. Makes you seem illegit? What the fuck does that mean? Why would I buy windows when linux is free and better? Also, what patches are you talking about? I can install 99% of things I want without a "patch"

Tons of people use linux, and the people that do aren't computer illiterate and are able to easily help you if you have a problem.

I honestly find ubuntu easier to use than windows. Ubuntu previous to their fuckery with their shitty unity touch screen esque interface meant for desktops. I'll be switching to a different distro once I decide to reformat.

Obviously I like linux best. I boot to windows if I feel like playing a game, however that's rare.
Last edited by isaac; Apr 12, 2012 at 06:52 PM.
Agreed Isaac, I didn't want to reply to him 'cause offtopic but yeah. Ubuntu 10.10 is pretty much perfect for any windows/mac user to start using, simple and elegant.
I use windows for games. After I stop playing video games i'll end up getting Linux.

And Macs are just terrible, unless you're an artist of some sort.
@Issac: If that's how you feel then it's okay. Most disagree, but ok.
@Sireal: Again please stop being hostile. If I'm not on topic, then you might want to change the title of this topic. 28 people think Windows is better or at least use it.

I honestly thought you created this thread to see what people are using and why. Not to argue with them and try to shut down their opinion via acting high and mighty by not replying...