Style: emo com mascara de gás

Colors: hunter(mascara), pure (cabelo) crobra (olho)

Hair color: pure

Eye color: cobra

Type of the eye: devil

Reference: algo como o do 3 posts.

i will pay on how good looking at 1-7k
Opa gostei de seu trabalho e estou procurando uma head 512x512..

Payment: Depois que eu ver...

Style: Emo

Colors: Demolition, Hunter.

Skin color: Normal

Hair color: Hunter Com as pontas Demolition..

Eye color: Hunter

Type of the eye: Devil

Type of the mouth: Sem boca...

Reference: A minha head atual mas em HD.. (Adoro o meu olho atual com o sangue no olho esquerdo..)
Espero que faça um bom trabalho...
Last edited by Thalles; Apr 23, 2012 at 11:05 AM.
[NM] & [Neon] <3 | Spar4Evah
Shocktrooper: imagen send to PM

Afropr0: Can send tcs, send the image via PM

oranganeh: I'm not currently doing one now ...
send via PM
Afropr0: send via PM
Last edited by CrashedBR; Apr 23, 2012 at 10:41 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by CrashedBR View Post
excuse the delay is that I was not looking at the post. I will do immediately!

3k can send, send the image via PM

ty for this head
One does not simply question the Afro