-doesnt like the opener ,the position from the abs is just ugly in my opinion
-frame 404-378 your arms Are to stiff there
-first hit is shit , it ruins the attention from the dm punsh
-the decap is shit , it looks like ''ohh i need to decap uke at least''

but i like yout style ,keep on working ,have an eye on you(/r thread)
Opener was a bit weird,
Split was really good,
Grab at 320 looked a bit unnecesary,
The mini-manip of the upper part of uke was epic,
Backhand was nice but a straight punch is always better than a backhand,
The pose was fine in my opinion.
And the replay was really good because you have developed your own style and I love it! Really nice flow and style.

*Requesting CnC
Exactly what cham said, but I have something else to add.
Your style is a bit stiff, but after all it's you style, so I don't care about that
But what really screws it a bit is that you tend to be twitchy and move one joint at a time sometimes
I mean stuff like the mini manip kick at 260 and the knee extension at around 175
If you need the extension power, then try to make it flow with the rest of the tori. If not, then try to relax it

Overall, cool replay, nice flow from the manip to the slap, but you were twitchy at some times.
oh yeah
Pretty slow replay.
I liked the Dm's but gosh... That was extremely slow.
I liked the little chest manip you made.
Pose was ok.

Overall, a really good but slow replay.

Overused opener, but eh ok
The first kick was surprisingly powerful, but you didn't take advantage of it
My first reaction to the decap was none. None at all. I was too busy wondering why didn't you just slam the shit out of Uke and shove a great boomhit into him.

Nice splitcap, but has a lot of wasted opportunities.

oh yeah