Endurance Onslaught 6.0
as for me, Astrophysics is the most interesting science,
and looking for all answers keeps everything in good shape
Yes, just believing wont make anything,
those who are interested must look for answers,
who arent, well should do what they want
True, as far as we know, there could be another planet JUST like ours, with dogs/cats/bears/humans/ect.
Or, there could be a planet like ours long ago, with dinosaur and crap still lurking
Originally Posted by WickedHayo View Post
I'm not saying you shouldn't believe, i'm just proclaiming - back to my original point: who cares if you do or don't believe?
You guys seemed to take my comment rather badly.
I'm just tired of seeing people with nothing creative to say about aliens apart from 'I believe in them because there are so many other planets out there.'

Why are you tired of seeing that argument? It's a strong argument with a valid point, there are billions upon billions of planets at least one other one is likely to have ideal conditions for housing life.
Originally Posted by WickedHayo View Post
If they were that smart they'd have found us by now.
Also, as there is no way (yet), to prove there is life on other planets beyond our solar system - we can do nothing other than speculate.
It's really just a matter of do you believe? And that's fucking pointless.
Who cares if you believe or not? Believing isn't going to find those aliens.

You're basically saying "since you can't prove alien life exists it doesn't." yes, all we can do is speculate. Our believes fuel our actions so someday we might find sentient life. And who says aliens have not discovered us yet?
what am i doing here
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
If the universe is endless then there is aliens out there somewhere.

You're making a pretty bold statement there, please tell us all about the many years you spent researching aliens in order to be sure of this. You're a good example of what I just stated:
Originally Posted by WickedHayo View Post
I'm just tired of seeing people with nothing creative to say about aliens apart from 'I believe in them because there are so many other planets out there.'

Also, Facade, i'm tired of seeing that argument not because it's invalid - but because it's all the people who believe in aliens can essentially come up with.
Last edited by Wicked; Jun 29, 2012 at 08:47 PM.
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Please show me where it ends kthxbai
and btw i would be reasearching space, not aliens

There are plenty of scientists exlusively researching into lifeforms beyond this planet, aka aliens.
Unfortunately I don't have enough material on this is English, but this videos is one of the testimonies of the CO of the operation that happened in 1977 on a remote corner of Brazil.
In my opinion this is the best "alien" case in history. Some time after making the video testimonial the col. was found dead in his bedroom, where he used a tie knotted to the bed to choke himself. His family was downstairs.