Original Post
This event is over. Winner is pusga

Operation name: MANSAAACKS

In the city of mochigames, there has been sightings of some sort of portals appearing out of nowhere at random places. These portals scatter weird sand around them, and soon otherworldly beings start rushing out of them. We have found out that a man known as SkulFuk is behind these incidents and we are currently working on tracking him down. He must be punished.
We must get rid of these monsters before they can do any harm. When you arrive at the area of operations, instructions of the means to dispose of them will await you. Unfortunately we have little intel of the monsters itself, so you have to work out their habits on your own.
Along with the sand hundreds of gems and treasure chests have also been spewed out. We will award you with points upon both destroying the enemies and collecting these gems, plus extra points depending on how fast you clear out the areas.
The person with the most points after 12 days will get the prize of 15 000 TC. If you have any questions, post in this thread or PM our contact person Tonakai ASAP.

Objective: Get the most points in GemGet by destroying the monsters and collecting gems. Extra points awarded for opening treasure chests and clearing the stages with speed. When you are done, wait a bit for the scoreboard to appear and submit your score with your Toribash nick.
Area of operations: http://steg-games.com/home/gemget_flash/
Client: Appledeer Corps
Prize: 15 000 TC
Deadline: 6th of August

Last edited by Tonakai; Aug 6, 2012 at 01:10 PM.
Just like Dig-Dug.

So, everything over 7 k is a good score?
Better to wait final day so one will know how much to get to win.
Why don't them pumpkin heads just die already.

And why is it that the mansacks are faster than you are?
Mansacks + Pumpkin head on your tail ain't very fun ya know.
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
It's easy to pwn mansakcs just let them track you and turn around and kill them.

for the pumpkins you just need to be faster on clearing maps...
<@Scorp> koor i love you
Originally Posted by koor View Post
It's easy to pwn mansakcs just let them track you and turn around and kill them.

Bullshit. You obviously never got chased by a mansack so close that you would die just by turning back.
oh yeah
I play strategicly...

i got 5,5k so yeah i have. its just that i am good at avioding them. always a pain when they go into the right tunnel
<@Scorp> koor i love you
Originally Posted by koor View Post
I play strategicly...

i got 5,5k so yeah i have. its just that i am good at avioding them. always a pain when they go into the right tunnel

I usually get 6k+ most of the time, I just can't get past 7k because of those damn mansacks :/
Last edited by pusga; Jul 27, 2012 at 04:49 PM.
oh yeah
When theres around 3 mansacks i loose it. immediately no matter how. they're in every corner and such.
<@Scorp> koor i love you
All the man sack hate pleases me

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
No shit?
Also, I found 3 white diamonds when I had around 4000 points. But then I screwed up and pumpkinguy killed me...
<@Scorp> koor i love you