Original Post
DAMNED clan page filling fun event.
We got to fill in our clan page.

You can leave a message or a picture, and we'll post it there if we like it.
there will be something like @one million dollars page@ at the end.
For messages: not more than 200 symbols.

For pics: not more than ~6500 pix. For example 80x80, 600x10 etc

Mark your entry as "MY ENTRY".

Have fun guys!
Last edited by nblx; May 5, 2013 at 07:25 PM.
Can I have two?

List of things to do with my avatar and stuff before it's perfect.
My tophat says Dscigs, going to remove that.
Hold a Cockhammer
Add better font to ZeTo and make it smaller.
Add small moderate sized sexy picture of ZeTo, because we're like bros.
Remove Ub3r probably for sure.
Put "Im cool Dscigs swag" back. Larger and in sexier Font.
Make underlining better.
Improve the manliness and sexiness of me.
Add detail to me
Make background transparent again.
Make ORMO smaller with sexier Font.
Make beard sexier.
Make entire Avvy sexier.
Win lots of contests and shit to become rich and get bigger Avatar Size(300x300)
Produce Signature version for Sex and when I get TP/VIP.
Produce version with sexy animation.