Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I hope they make another CoD that can take off on the competitive scene for PC again, but I'm not holding my breath. All evidence points towards ignoring the PC market yet again.

Oh no, of course they won't. I'd love it if it were more pc oriented, but activision are just pumping out one each year for profit rather than an actual quality game. The CoD audience being targeted are just all the annoying 10 year olds who beg their parents to buy them the game these days, rather than the people who want another good game. It's a dying game that will never die,
Proud Parrot
Originally Posted by poopy12 View Post
The CoD audience being targeted are just all the annoying 10 year olds who beg their parents to buy them the game these days, rather than the people who want another good game.

Wrong way of putting it.
their target market are not the ones buying the game.
They aim the games at a more mature gamer, but the games often end up being bought more by the younger generation.
"Ghosts" looks like a more mature shooter than the previous iterations, Its a new approach, but without being too far removed from most shooters comfort zones.
but the people that theyr aiming the game at, already have preformed oppinions about the game.
"Ghosts" will probably succeed in bringing in a different demographic, I know that I for one am considering getting it, and Im one of those that thought everything since MW2 has been a colossal waste of money. "Ghosts" looks like somewhat of a breath of fresh air in the series.
but the original userbase will be buying the game aswell.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Unless you're on pc. Then it's the same game with less features. No lean, no dedicated servers, no mod support, and lawsuits against any community attempts to change that.

took me a while to get used to the new server system when MW2 came out, but i got used to it, made the gaming experience much simpler, but so much less personal.
Our local CoD4 community was great, you could look at one of the servers and see who was playing in it, and choose to play with them, getting to know the people on your servers. But with the new ones, you dont get to choose, unless ofcourse, you knew people in the community already, but meeting new and consistant people to play with was so much more difficult.
casual gamers killed the competitive scene.
Last edited by BenDover; Jul 10, 2013 at 10:52 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
It's not even casual gamers, it's the fact that companies don't have the time to create an actually balanced game that still is accessible to new players. You pretty much only see high balance, high skill curve games, or low balance, low skill curve games.

Even CoD4 didn't have a good balance between the two, it took several mod attempts until the community finally settled on an acceptable alternative, promod, to vanilla CoD4.

And that alternative gets recreated in practically every CoD since. It takes a couple months to a year, but it happens, usually with only one or two people working on it. If the company just allocated some time and resources to make a version of promod that came on release with the game, alongside dedicated server support, they could probably start the competitive pc community in CoD again.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Wow, and this thread went to hell.

Cod threads.

Last edited by Dagger; Jul 11, 2013 at 06:27 AM.
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