Endurance Onslaught 6.0
ok so

opener very generic, looks like an opener from default replays tbh

that kick that pushed uke back was lame and gross, dont do that

the sudden contraction of the elbows was weird and looked odd. just bad overall

also the short spin looked bad, would have been better if you spun more.

near frame 309 you actually lowered the right arm, looked bad.

little flip thing was not needed and didnt add anything to the replay, was also poorly executed.

stop using your arm to touch the ground during flips. i noticed that in your tricking replay as well. stop that.

Again, the opener is twitchy, with replays like this where you only have a kick and then pose, it's important to make it flow from jump to kick to pose. You didn't really do that. While it isn't really noticeably twitchy you tend to hold a bit more, try to relax.

Now the spin and kick is the only really good part of the replay. You spun well and it looked nice but as soon as the kick connected, it turned rotten. You seem to forget about your arms and hands often, try to move as one instead of focusing on one part of your body. Again, try to relax more. And when you did your kick you put it back in place, it didnt look nice. Try to follow through on your actions instead of just having everything be seperate, helps flow.

Also you stopped all flow and momentum when you flipped with that hand. Don't do that, ever. And then the rest of the replay was a tad forgettable and generic.

(Oh yeah one more thing, user doesn't hate you. Constructive criticism=/=hate, you have to take what he said into account next time you make a replay. It's how you improve so stop being a whiny bitch.

AND KRATOS User is perfectly qualified to comment on replays since his replays are better than Water's. Have you people forgotten that all cnc is good? As long as it's not just "This sucks go die" it's fine, but things like "This is amazing I love it" don't help either. Meaningless brown nosing is just as bad as hate mongering. Fuckheads.)
Last edited by ManlyPotato; Feb 12, 2014 at 12:33 AM.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
When you're doing a knee launch, you almost never want to go backwards. It looks unrealistic.

Other than that, I would try to not keep your elbows contracted/extended so much. I see you have them contracted a lot, it looks better when they're held half-way through or relaxed if possible.

I liked the flow. especially the transition to the second knee launch.
Wow I like your replays please teach me sometime you sexy beast!
Last edited by Goughy; Feb 15, 2014 at 09:27 AM.

The tricks themselves are kinda slow, try getting more momentum before jumping.
You basically completely stopped your arm movement going into the last trick.
Only 300 frames for a tricking replay? D:
good job, though.
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
I strangely liked the awkward opener that led into the rather stiff spin, The punch was really basic and meh. Not much to say, interesting punch could have kept going or aimed for something that was not a punch and you were a bit stiff.

Amazing work Water! i really like your style. i would love to see more of your replays.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
Opener had potential but the way you countered the flow made it look awkward and ugly.
spin was alright, but http://gyazo.com/7759891edecb15af58c0eb22670b4f9d
you were in a good position but imo jumps from that position look better if both feet stay on the ground which didn't really happen.
punch was...well, a punch, and then you pushed off of his torso which i also saw as pretty weird and meh.