Time Zone:GMT+1
Why do you want to join Rome Kingdom?:Cuz i have my friends and I need some help
What mod are you best at?:Wushu/Mushu ,Aikido and Judo
Give us detail describing yourself:I am 12 years old i go to school at 12:00 o clock and I am White
Can you Do Art?: No not at all
Are you Forum Active:Yeah Most of the Time But My internet gets cut down sometimes
Do you have skype?:Yes Leke.Demjaha
Past bans/alts:N/A
Past Clan:TheGod

Country: United States

Time Zone: E.S.T

Why do you want to join Rome Kingdom? I want to fight in a clan that is good and active

What mod are you best at? Mushu and Judo

Give us detail describing yourself: Athletic, Smart, and fun to be around

Can you do art? Kinda just depends on what I'm drawing

Are you forum active? I mainly just look for stuff in the market

IF yes to above, post 1 artwork from you:

Do you have skype: nickbrown19999

Past bans/alts: nick2333

Past clans: Imposter
nick, we need to set up a time to tryout. You got accepted in, but you need to tryout before getting invited.
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
Hope to get in

Country: 'Murica

Time Zone:Central

Why do you want to join Rome Kingdom? I want to protect the great Empire of Rome, and make more friends

What mod are you best at? mushu...and if best at exploding counts...lightning lenshu

Give us detail describing yourself: i am a pretty nice guy, i like making friends, i like video games, i'm weird (good weird)

Can you do art? not really

Are you forum active? about a 7/10 on forums

IF yes to above, post 1 artwork from you:

Do you have skype: yes kyel sillman

Past bans/alts:none

Past clans (RAE)
Age: 24

Country: Canada

Time Zone: MDT (UTC -6) (But I work nights occasionally, so my time zone can switch for short durations.)

Why do you want to join? I want to participate in an active and well organized clan, and get back in to playing TB on some competitive level.

What mod are you best at? Taekkyon, Twinswords, Wushu.

Give us detail describing yourself: I am very precise, and have excellent memory. I'm professional in all things, and operate strategically.

Can you do art? Yes, to a good extent.

Are you forum active? Publicly, no. But when operating within a Clan, or other organisation, I am always around and I check for notifications, updates. or events a few times per day.

IF yes to above, post 1 artwork from you: current low-res head texture I was messing around with.

Do you have skype: Yes, it's on almost 24/7.

Past bans/alts: XRDX

Past clans: None.
Last edited by Marax; May 28, 2014 at 09:05 AM. Reason: "Fixed image URL."