Originally Posted by ninja684 View Post
Can you do 7.5k on the 13chillz head?

Still a bit low, maybe raise that by 2k?
You think you can do 8k because it isn't getting a lot of attention, and I am not here to market it, I will actually be using this head.
11k 13chillz head
If you get another offer please wait for me to wake from my slumber so I can see if I want to counter it or not.
Last edited by Smiter; Apr 28, 2014 at 07:39 AM.
Originally Posted by ninja684 View Post
11k 13chillz head
If you get another offer please wait for me to wake from my slumber so I can see if I want to counter it or not.

Np, you have the current highest offer. Just know that iAwesome has some art that I want so if he's willing to make a trade I'll go with that.

Originally Posted by iAwesome View Post

Haha thanks
Originally Posted by ninja684 View Post
I am now awake, how long will it be before I win 13chillz?

If no one else offers you'll get it as soon as I get home from school.