Cx, we're not getting any apps until we get the banners and everything done. For now, our clan page is looking like shit, it's extremely unatractive.
I won't be able to get on Skype for a while since my laptop broke. Guess we can ramp up activity now.
If we need to ramp up the activity, we should be recuiting. I can't help but get mad that verscetti simply ignores me whenever i ask him to make the batters.
Last edited by Rial; May 10, 2014 at 02:21 AM.

Your clan's in the second page, mang.
das no good for the ratings and jor chanses of beeng offeeeechul eppe.
get tha actibiti up maricones.
Updated first post. We're currently working on banners and all the extras. Haunter come help us. Please.

Originally Posted by Aviant View Post
Pwr, you still owe me a 512 head texture that you dueled.

I haven't dueled/seriously played in-game in literally almost a year. If you're sure I'm the right person, you can PM me with evidence and I'll be happy to get a 512 to send you.