I'm kind of like him, I just recruit old friends and new people I think would be beneficial to the clan on the spot, eg. nice personality, good ingame skills ect.
I'm not really into being strict on inactivity, after all you don't just kick your friends from the clan for a reason like that.
I think you can be a co-leader if we discuss how the clan will be run and managed, since we have differing styles.

Also Trocher

Last edited by Swaves; May 1, 2014 at 10:18 AM.
The inactivity things was just for my clan, I wouldn't in force it here seeing to how it's not my clan you know.

I know how to co-lead.
I have some things I need to say if you want to be co-leader.
1. You must know how to do clan war system properly
2. Don't kick members without my permission
3. Don't edit clan thread dramatically without my permission
4. Don't complain about spam to much, I heard if a clan bitches to much about spam It will get rejected from official.
Yes the clan discussion is back, hey everybody
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
Originally Posted by Swaves View Post
I have some things I need to say if you want to be co-leader.
1. You must know how to do clan war system properly
2. Don't kick members without my permission
3. Don't edit clan thread dramatically without my permission
4. Don't complain about spam to much, I heard if a clan bitches to much about spam It will get rejected from official.

I can follow those with no problem.

Actually I have decided something, it wouldn't be fair to everybody else if I just get co-leader and not be in the clan. There are members that have been here before me, I feel like I will be disrespecting them if I take co-leader with out even being in the clan at all.
Last edited by Aviant; May 1, 2014 at 10:39 AM.
I think we should make a clan bank, I think you got material to be a leader, I just need to discuss with trocher if he wants to come back