Originally Posted by Augans View Post
im so fucking sick of cod on the toribash forum

the art board isn't just for toribash art
the discussion board isn't just for toribash discussion
Originally Posted by Complexity View Post
I did use the wiggle effect, it's really subtle but the difference is huge

It's too subtle.
Difference is huge, but its bot really noticeable.
Use big numbers u cheeky cant
Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
It's too subtle.

Difference is huge, but its bot really noticeable.

Use big numbers u cheeky cant

18 pixels 56 times a second l0l
18 pixels out of 1280 x 720 (921600^2) is barely a fraction
this video was rendered in 30fps
26 of these 'wiggles' arent even seen

and when something vibrates fast enough, it looks static

so yeah its barely even there
Originally Posted by Complexity View Post
18 pixels 56 times a second l0l

Too fast, like augans said. It'll vibrate so fast its unnoticeable.
Big numbers for the range, small numbers for the frequency. Anywhere from 1.5 to 5 usually looks good for frequency. 5 is kinda pushing it tho.